How to Co-Create Magic

Manuela Stoerzer
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2023

Just Another Fairytale-like Story: Rewriting the Narrative and Consciously Opening up for the Unimaginable

The purpose of this article is to allow things you can’t even imagine to happen for the sake of positive energy flow, love and growth.

People often engage in discussions about business — how to be more effective, successful, and profitable. However, this discourse doesn’t resonate with me. It’s not that I don’t value money, but it alone doesn’t motivate me.

The term “manifesting” may sound esoteric, a term often met with skepticism in my culture, associated with ideas perceived as impractical or unprofessional due to their seemingly illogical nature. When my mother told me, “You’re just a bit esoteric,” I initially felt a need to improve. It wasn’t a compliment, but she meant it positively: I am more connected to non-material, spiritual aspects of life than grounded in material concerns. I am sensitive, empathetic, creative, and tend to think outside the box in a non-linear way. My interests lie more in people, animals, and nature than in material possessions.

As a child, you either get accepted for who you are or try to become invisible, developing survival strategies like hiding behind a mask. Life’s turning point comes when you consciously understand yourself, distinguish what is yours, or face the pain of unfinished business. I’ve experienced both: trying to fit in by being invisible and embracing my full self. The latter not only brought more joy but also a higher probability of health and satisfaction, leading to heart-based connections and endless creativity.

Embracing this realization, I started exploring by daring to enjoy and celebrate being myself. I stopped ignoring, neglecting, suppressing, or denying who I am. This marks the beginning of a brand-new story.

Stories are subjective, past experiences filtered by the storyteller’s lens. They serve as a jumping board to break free from old thinking patterns, opening the mind to new possibilities. Realizing this came after hitting rock bottom, where I learned that I could rewrite my narrative and create something new. Before that, there were magical moments I didn’t consciously recognize as such:

  1. Selling ads for a medical magazine during my studies, breaking even where others failed.
  2. Getting a pilot’s license and flying an airplane, a bonus for reaching a sales goal I hadn’t considered.
  3. Choosing to give birth to my child in Florida, introducing them to the beauty of the ocean instead of returning to the routine in Germany.
  4. Conceiving a second child effortlessly, born almost in the back of a van during a tornado, bringing unexpected financial blessings.
  5. “Making” 100,000 Deutsche marks through risky stock investments, leading to a house that later became a valuable lesson in letting go.

One of the significant lessons I’ve learned is the value of letting go. It doesn’t change the past, but it transforms the future. The ability to detach willingly after feeling the pain of loss stops the suffering. The magic lies in noticing and co-creating it.

After a burnout, I quit my job and sought a reset at the unemployment office. They had no funding for traditional support, but my non-linear thinking led me to a mental power coaching training, a pivotal experience. This journey led to becoming a walking coach, integrating nature, movement, and mindfulness for holistic transformation.

Moving to Mallorca with my children was a dream realized in just three months. Embracing spontaneity got me into modeling — a surprising venture that taught me the power of vibration and presence.

A thought on a flight led to a small movie role in the US, another unexpected turn. These magical moments became conscious when I started co-creating them.

Magic, defined as belief in the existence and manipulability of supernatural forces, aligns with the concept of the “Ladder of Inference” by Chris Argyris. It symbolizes the steps from observable data to interpretations and conclusions.

In conclusion: magic depends on your ability to allow the unimaginable to happen.

Delving into the shadows within my book “Headless Chicken” uncovered life’s harsh realities. Yet, my journey suggests that even amid adversity, there are invaluable lessons that enrich and fuel personal growth. It’s not about calculating life; it’s about experiencing it fully. There’s no concept of failure; whether you fail or fall a hundred times, the essence lies in rising 101 times and mastering the art of walking!

Tailored for those rooted in empirical thinking, this narrative underscores the importance of embracing the unknown. It illuminates the transformative power inherent in accepting one’s true self and navigating the unexpected twists of life. In the vast landscape of knowledge, our understanding is confined to the present. By acknowledging the unknown and creating an open space, we can collaboratively shape our journey with life.

On this adventure, playfulness isn’t a mere addition; it’s the secret sauce infusing our exploration with the right vibe for welcoming novelty and surprises. By infusing a playful spirit into our journey, we not only open doors to the unexpected but also enhance the joy of the path we tread.

Don’t waiste your time — but how? By making conscious decisions bringing head and heart together without pushing and pulling. Just be being present, conscious and open.

The latest miracle is an adventure I still want to go for: traveling over a longer period of time in a no longer than 6 m campervan not too old, not too eco-unfriendly with front seats turnable to make most of the space. The experiment is to see what happens if you follow your guts. I did this before backpacking and do have this dream of bumping into people and situations, sharing who I am without an agenda, create life. Since campervans are superexpensive and I don’t really want to own one, I decided to let go of actively pursuing the dream, as usual. The other day I walk by a campervan that got my attention. I started measuring the length, it looked a bit long and unhandy. 8 meters. Next thing I know, I am booked for a model job for….. campervans! Heart beats higher, just the “co-incident” got my joyful attention. Guess what: besides having one of the funniest, most co-creative workdays of my life I am offered a campervan for my experiment. That is how magic works: allow for unimaginable possibilities to show up! It took an open mindset, conscious feeling and radical honesty.

