Just Feel.

Nicole Hartley Bradford
Published in
6 min readOct 3, 2023

One feeling at a time, 3 times a week for 3 minutes a day for 3 months. And tell the world about it.

The author experimenting with feeling Anger, consciously, full-out

There is no Transformation without Liquid State, and no Liquid State Without Consciously Feeling

You cannot think yourself to transformation. It takes feeling your way, in, through and beyond. At high and low levels of intensity., according to how strong the feelings really are, when you choose to come unnumb.

Knowing how it goes isn’t the same as going.

Warning: I want to piss you off, here. I want to bring such clarity that you feel anger or fear or sadness or joy about what I share.

You are staying small, it’s inevitable, because your Emotional Body in ways is stunted, frozen, banished, and your are using your emotions unconsciously to take revenge ~ subtly and not-so-subtly ~ on the world and specific people in it.

Do you get it?

Pretending to be fine, in control, above it all, on a path of transformation, pretending it’s not your problem, it’s “theirs” and never letting yourself break down and go crazy, or only feeling it overtly when you are alone or with your little crew of fans is bullshit.

No human can evolve in a cave, on an island, in a clique, on a pedestal or by pretending their prison is big enough for their Being.

How dare I tell you how it is for you?
How dare I tell you you are numb?

I dare because I take a stand for your healing, your expansion out of the limiting structures you built for yourself to survive childhood.

I take a stand because those structures have not been working for you nor for me and I want us both to have a bigger team, a team of ALL the Humans… BEING ever more radically alive.

I want it to be crystal clear that learning to feel is not a skippable step if transformation is that you are committed to. And that learning to feel doesn’t end.

Reading more, writing about it, taking or teaching classes that fill minds with theory and justification and great ideas and stories of how it goes when you feel and NOT feeling just wont be transformative.

Learning to feel, and feel, and feel will make a difference.

Here is one way, a simple and yet profoundly effective way to learn to feel:

3–3–3 Initiation

3 minutes, 3 times a day for three months feeling, first, ANGER at the highest intensity possible, while noticing how it goes, before, during, after. Keep notes. Have a research team. Meet to feel together 1 or 2/3 of the time. Not 3/3, this isn’t a social club. Report your findings to each other, ask each other questions, use your anger with each other to say YES! and GO!

Next, do it with Fear. With Fear 3–3–3 goes differently, because Fear is different from Anger. After doing three rounds of 3–3–3 Fear experiments, I still don’t really know how to raise the intensity of my Fear without it seeming fake at least most of the time.

Then, do it with Sadness. Maybe you think you will need this less, because of how sadness comes up as you grow your capacity and ability to feel Anger and Fear. Try it anyways.

Joy. I’ve been surprised (scared!), sad and angry to discover how hard it is for me (and, hearing form my teammates, others), to feel pure, authentic Joy. Other feelings speed in. For me it’s sadness; I feel joy about something that’s happening and suddenly my mind is in the past reminding me what a victim I have been. This is not what I am going for. I am learning to stretch my Joy, in the here and now, at least 3 times a week for 3 minutes. It works wonders for empowering the day to day experience of having my joy, here, now.

As a space holder for 3–3–3 zoom-in calls and for a Telegram Group called the 333 Zoom-In Crossroads, which is a digital space where anyone wanting to use 3–3–3 to learn to feel, I encounter massive resistance to 3–3–3 even in people who I think are committed to feeling.

I see people who train others to feel, from whom I don’t see or hear about their latest experiments in feeling, or about their Emotional Healing Processes or Liquid States. I don’t hear much even from Rage Club Spaceholders and Fear Club Spaceholders in response to my invitation to send their participants to the 333 Zoom-In Crossroads.

What is up with that?

My suspicion is that the Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware about avoiding feeling runs that deep, even for the well-versed, the well-practiced! Avoid feeling. Avoid other people feeling. Anger, Fear, Sadness and Joy are bad, wrong, not okay, so: Just. Don’t. Go. There. Or. Send. Anyone. Else.

I want to be wrong about this suspicion. Maybe they just forget. Maybe how I hold the space sucks. Maybe they DO send everyone from their trainings and the invited ones don’t say yes.

Maybe even now, you are reading me and saying, forget it, Nicole, I am not buying any of this; you are being an emotional victim about having your efforts to build this 333 Zoom-In Crossroads gameworld fail.

THIS is how it goes in me. I think it all to a slow but sure and frozen death.

“It” being possibilities; possibilities for coming alive, with others, and for finding ways to collaborate and create something the world has never yet seen. Possibilities for creating amazing projects that are so fucking fun and wondrous that more people are drawn in and start feeling in ways that have been shut down since birth, and maybe even since before they were born.

I am convinced humans are made to feel.
I am convinced that feeling is not a design flaw by God, evolution, Gaia.

I am convinced that learning to feel using 3–3–3 Initiation is one of the most extraordinary possibilities on the Planet, brought forth BY the Planet: Gaia, via the Earth’s Coincidence Control Office, for the purpose of bringing Humanity alive AS GAIA.

I am convince that doing 3–3–3 is a path to Gaian Transformation and Regeneration.

Don’t believe me. Try it for yourself.

Do your own Experiments:

1. a) Read the 3–3–3 website, and choose an experiment from there: https://3-3-3.mystrikingly.com/
b) Read the website about Liquid States, and do all the Phase 1 experiments: https://liquidstate.mystrikingly.com/

2. Join the 333 Zoom-In Crossroads group and find 3 times a week in your calendar to start with the next feeling: one space to zoom int where someone else holds the space and 2 times a week to do it on your own (again, this isn’t a social group nor is it about a team carrying you where you wouldn’t go yourself).

3. For Rage and Fear Club Spaceholders: commit to your next 3 months of feeling using 3–3–3 Initiation and hold space once a week for 1–4 of the feelings. Invite all the participants you ever had in feelings work spaces you held. Invite 33 more people who have never done feelings work to join in. Maybe they just watch and never come back. Plant the seeds anyways.

4. For Rage and Fear Club Spaceholders:
a) invite me to a call during your next Rage or Fear Club to deliver a personal invitation to the feelers (to do 3–3–3) and spaceholders-in-the-making (to hold space for 3–3–3) in your Feelings Clubs.

b) For 3 days, live in the question: How can I take a stand for this doorway of 3–3–3 Initiation to Conscious Feelings Work to be seen and used? Do 3 Big Things about it, starting on the 4th day.

5. Book in for a 30 minute call with me about possibilities for next steps for YOU to come ever more fully alive: www.calendly.com/nicolehartleybradford

6. Send me a message telling me how you feel (Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy, because…) and what you think about this article: nicolebradford110@gmail.com

Which experiment scares you most? Will you do that one first?

I am on your team. What do you feel about that?

Love, Nicole



Nicole Hartley Bradford

Nicole is a catalyst on the “Help Gaia’s Risky Human Experiment Succeed” Team.