Legends from a small village in the forest.
On the 3rd or 4th of July 2023, I was in a Possibility Lab with Anne-Chloé Destremau and @Clinton Callahan in Brazil in the middle of a 4 or 5 hours Growing Up Process but I couldn’t be fully present because my mind would just think one thing: How do I make enough money NOW for following these guys anywhere they go cause I don’t want to live anything less than this.
After The process we went to speak with plants, and one plant just gave me a distinction: You are asking the wrong question, Change the question and the Possibilities will change.
The plant was right. My question then became: “How do I Live this?” And I figure out that following the trainers wherever they went was actually not a good plan, when it would have space for me to become a Star? (someone that sources more then takes) Were it would actually have necessity enough for life to blow me inside out to source archyarchy if they would already be doing that?
So i decided to find my way, my path, dive into something that would scare my shit out of myself.
It was when ECCO arranged the things and I ended up taking responsibility on a scale, and for things that I have never taken before.
8 months later, the Community “Sementes da Nova Terra” started. With 6 adults, 3 children, and 1 teenager. God. The first week was Hard… By the second night I just wanted to take vacations from here. But we kept on.
We just discovered that we didn’t had a clue about how to hold space as a Community for the childrens. And also didn’t had a clue about how to live side by side with wild animals. The beautiful horses after some days considered us as “low” in their hierarchical way of managing themselves and started biting us and the childrens.
The others cute animals weren’t more afraid of us and started messing up the house and the kitchen around.
Half of the community didn’t had in the beginning Archyarchy distinctions, so emotions, projections, and expectations came up. The ones of us that had, went until the edges of our matrix and then: liquid states, overwhelm, and reactivity.
I thank god that we didn’t had visitors By the beginning of the project.
By the end of the first week one of the women, mother of 2 twins received a super job offer that would pay her whole year. So she left the community. With that, the other Mother almost left too, and the community would be gone.
Luckily she consulted with a wise Elder Woman before taking that decision, and the Woman gave her good distinctions: such as: Life in Community is not vacation, is work. You are creating the future of humanity. And more a bunch of those… So she decided to stay.
Almost one month and a half have passed from this moment. We are since a month living in a paradise. Time to time a new challenge comes up, a new problem, a new emotion. And in one, two or 3 days we pass through it; And: paradise again, but now better, because we growth with the last problem. We grew up into persons that don’t have more this problem. Is for that that problems exist: invite Humans to grow into a person that doesn’t has more that problem.
What we have become now, is exactly what I wished when I was creating the website and invitations for the community: a Community with problems, that deals effectively with each challenge so the problems guide us in to our next evolutionary step.
There are many things that we used, discovery, and applied in this last month so that we are living so well now:
- We agreed in being a star in the community rather than a planet: bringing more solutions than problems.
- We agreed that community is not vacation: and the funny thing is that after that we have much more vacation quality time.
- Emotional healing processes and transformational conversations happen frequently.
- The children learned with the context, and the mom reclaimed the respect and trust of its own daughter, so now the wild gremlin of the litlle girl can relly in her own mother and with that its not anymore testing authority and trying to take over the space all the time. The being of the girl has now more space and safeness to explore.
- We learned how to co-live with wild animals, respecting their wild place (not trying to pet them) and speaking their language. The horses are beginning to us as alpha again, and there is no more biting accidents.
And there is much more that you can know about our discoveries as soon as its launched the documentary that we are recording here! Yes! It’s all recorded and I wish that still this year we launch this documentary sharing our experience.
There are so much thing that I celebrate here! We all here have become new persons, I almost don’t recognize myself in many dimensions. I am in my most healthy version ever in all my bodies!
I’m so alive! I can handle so many things now that I couldn’t before! AND i just take showers in the waterfall! I don’t use the common shower since weeks! I have my eco-friendly bio soap and shampoo.
This is other thing that I celebrate: we are being so responsible with nature here! We built a composter! 80% of our electricity comes from the sun, our water from the river, our food from local family organic productions, our cleaning products from responsible companies, or organics come back to the Earth, our recyclables to appropriated companies that recycle the objects, and our brown and gray water it’s all handle here in the space through permaculture techniques.
I’m so glad with the direction that we are going for. There is of course a lot still to heal, transform, evolve. But we are enjoying each step of the path.
I look forward to telling you more in the documentary. Lots of love dear PM community ❤️ I love you and the amazing work that you do.
From your a bit dissapeard friend, Israel.
(This article comes out from a updating message wrote to the Brigde-Houses Space Holders — Telegram Group)