Hurdles for AI in Smart Mobility? Challenge Accepted.

Tali Rosenwaks
Next Gear Ventures
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) can transform sustainable smart mobility, but it also comes with some hurdles. As we discussed in our last blog post, AI can help optimize public transportation systems, reduce the environmental impact of urban mobility, and improve the safety of road users. However, its implementation does pose a number of practical and ethical challenges. Data quality, privacy and security risks, lack of transparency, and infrastructure upgrades are all issues that need to be given serious consideration as we learn to innovate with AI. Let’s explore some key challenges associated with implementing AI in smart mobility and how to overcome them.

Challenge 1: The Data Puzzle

AI relies on data to make informed decisions, but to say that gathering relevant information for sustainable smart mobility can be complicated would be putting it mildly. Real-time vehicle data, real-time traffic updates, environmental conditions, and infrastructure details from various sources and transportation modes must be obtained, organized and properly analyzed to provide effective decision-making and actionable insights. This includes data quality assurance and completeness, cleaning and preprocessing the data to remove noise, filling in missing values, standardizing formats, as well as identifying patterns and correlations that might impact the AI model. To ensure the proper data, stakeholders and tech providers must collaborate to establish clear and consistent data-sharing protocols and standards.

Challenge 2: Privacy and Ethics Concerns

With so much data being gathered, safeguarding personal information and ensuring privacy is crucial, and transparency and accountability in AI models are essential. Appropriate data governance protocols must be in place to ensure data privacy and accuracy. This should include proper policies and regulations to address data anonymization, consent, and access rights to gain public trust and widespread adoption. Balancing the benefits of AI with privacy and ethical considerations is vital for widespread acceptance and adoption of sustainable smart mobility solutions.

Challenge 3: Bias in training data

Biased training data can lead to unfair outcomes in AI solutions. For example, research has found that autonomous vehicles are less able to detect people with darker skin color, compared to people with lighter skin color, due to bias embedded in the AI data and model. To avoid this, curating diverse training data and regularly monitoring algorithms for biases is crucial. Creating trustworthy and inclusive smart mobility systems necessitates careful consideration and correction of any biases.

Challenge 4: User Acceptance and Adoption

Encouraging widespread adoption of AI solutions for mobility can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with or skeptical about AI. Organizations must strive to build trust in the AI technology they are using, and demonstrate that it is reliable and secure. Additionally, they must be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that users may have about the technology. Demonstrating AI benefits, addressing concerns, and involving end-users in the development process can promote acceptance, and can go a long way in helping to foster a positive attitude towards AI solutions.

Challenge 5: Infrastructure Investments

Implementing AI solutions may require significant infrastructure upgrades and investments. Deploying sensors, communication networks, and data processing capabilities may pose financial and logistical challenges, particularly in areas with limited resources or outdated infrastructure. All stakeholders need to collaborate and allocate resources to build the necessary infrastructure and create a supportive policy environment that encourages investment in AI for sustainable smart mobility.

While AI offers tremendous potential for sustainable smart mobility, overcoming these hurdles is essential for its successful implementation. By addressing data availability, integration, privacy concerns, bias and fairness, user acceptance, and infrastructure needs, we can create a future where AI-driven solutions lead us toward sustainability and efficiency in mobility. The bottom line? To fully embrace the power of AI and shape a greener, smarter future for mobility, we must fully acknowledge the challenges and address them early. Let’s get to work!



Tali Rosenwaks
Next Gear Ventures

Tali is an executive leader in the hi-tech industry, both with leading Israeli Global Companies and with Startups.