Top Stories published by Next Gen Men in 2016

Mason’s Body Image Story

On Wednesday night at the launch party for Wolf Pack in Calgary, we invited Mason to share his very personal story about body image, gender, and masculinity. Mason works with the Calgary Sexual Health Centre’s WiseGuyz program, and if you know our origin story, we count WiseGuyz as

#YellTheTruth with Next Gen Men and YouthREX!

Have you seen our photos and messages as part of YouthREX’s #YellTheTruth campaign?

YouthREX is one of our key partners and collaborators. Based out of York University, YouthREX supports youth-serving organizations throughout…

International Women’s Day 2016 in Toronto

International Women’s Day is coming up on Tuesday March 8th!

Last year, I was able to check out some really interesting and educational events, including the rally and march in downtown Toronto, an amazing night of spoken word…

Next Gen Men
Creating spaces to engage men and boys in conversations around gender
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