Hanging ’Em Up

Jake Stika
Next Gen Men
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018

It wasn’t until dropping off the final students from our last field trip of the year that it hit me, my time developing and delivering programs at NGM was over.

What brought a few tears to my eyes was reflecting during my drive home, the moment a parent said “thanks” with a firm and caring handshake. He went on to tell me this program is all his son talks about, and he really enjoyed what we do here. He asked his son, “what do you do now that NGM is over?” He shrugged his shoulders and just said “sad.”

Creating a program that is inclusive, fun, and most importantly educational has been one of my most significant accomplishments so far.

Many moments like this flooded my memory that night, and I am forever grateful for the memories and the mentorship moments that I’ve had with the hundreds of young men who took part in our programs.

I am grateful that our program will continue and even more young men will get the opportunity to discuss, take part in activities, and create friendships all while learning what it means to be a responsible young man. According to our participants:

A “Next Gen Man” includes others, understands violence isn’t the answer, knows the weight and power of his words, respects others, is slow to judge, listens to others opinions, knows how to work in a team, takes ownership of their actions and isn’t afraid to push back against stereotypes.

Raising the next generation of men to take care of their mental health and well-being, and to be active in gender equality takes a community.

I’m thankful for the York Region District School Board and other schools who value our work. I’m eternally grateful to the social workers, teachers, support workers, and community resource facilitators that saw the need and facilitated meetings to get us in to deliver programs. I’m thankful to the principals who helped us grow and learn. The parents that engage with their sons at home and reach out to show support. The Movember Foundation and the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Youth Opportunites Fund for making our dream a reality.

Lastly to my team, Jake & Jason whom I couldn’t have succeeded without, as well as other team members over the years — Sonia, Jeff, Tremaine, Stefan, and volunteers who helped me grow as a leader and a friend.

I’m optimistic with a community like this, we can honestly have a positive impact in our world for everyone.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ll never forget these last four years.


Jermal Alleyne, Cofounder & Program Director of Next Gen Men

