Your Roadmap to Upgrading to Next.js 13.4

Next.js for React Pros
2 min readOct 24, 2023

Upgrading to a new framework version is a task that must be done carefully. While new features and performance improvements are exciting, breaking changes and deprecated features could be roadblocks. This section will guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth transition.


Before diving into the upgrade process, make sure you’ve met all the pre-requisites to avoid any surprises:

  • Node.js Version: Ensure you’re running Node.js version 12.x or above. You can check your current version by running node -v in the terminal.
  • Backup: It is always a good practice to back up your current project. Use version control systems like Git for this purpose.
  • Current Dependencies: Review your project’s dependencies, particularly those related to Next.js and React, and ensure they are compatible with Next.js 13.4.

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the upgrade process into manageable steps:

  1. Update Node.js: If you’re not on Node.js version 12.x or above, update it first. Run the following command to install the new version: npm install next@13.4.
  2. Update Webpack Configurations: Given that Webpack 4 is not compatible, you’ll need to update your Webpack configurations to match Webpack 5 settings.
  3. Review Deprecated Features: Refer to the “Deprecated Features and Breaking Changes” section and update your codebase accordingly.
  4. Test: Thoroughly test your application in a staging environment before pushing it live. Make sure all features work as expected.
  5. Deploy: Once you are confident that the upgrade has been successful, deploy the changes to your production environment.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues developers face when upgrading, along with their fixes:

  • Broken Styles: If your styles are not appearing correctly, make sure you’ve updated your CSS modules syntax if you were using the deprecated format.
  • API Routes: If your API routes are not working as expected, check if you’re using the deprecated .js extension and switch to .ts or .mjs.
  • Build Errors: Errors during the build process often relate to incompatible dependencies or outdated Webpack configurations. Ensure all are updated to be compatible with Next.js 13.4.



Next.js for React Pros

👋 React wizard by day, guitar hero by night. I write code that even my bugs get applause! On a quest to make UI/UX spell "U I'm Excited!" 🎸🤓