PRO Code Weekly Digest by

PRO CODE Weekly Digest #105 (05/2024)

Designing Your API and Spring Boot Folder Structure Wisely, and more

Best curated Medium articles, news, and business ideas of the week for coders // Programming, coding, and web development.


This Weekly Digest is specially designed for professional (PRO) coders and developers who want an overview of all the latest articles, news, and trends on Medium.

Best Medium articles

>> 10 unconventional lessons from 10 years working as a software engineer: Each developer should read this story to learn from other experiences. Many gold nuggets are included there.

>> Simple things you can do to boost your productivity and get more done in less time — anyone can implement them.
Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months

>> ‘7 Things I Don’t Do As a 10+ Year Online Entrepreneur: Great story about what you should do and what you don’t should do as an entrepreneur. I bet many of us have already made these mistakes. If not, be aware of them to avoid them.

>> ChatGPT is awesome, but it’s limited in its functionalities. Check this list of useful AI tools, e.g., to translate your educational video into different languages to increase your reach, and many more.
8 (New) AI Tools That Are So Useful, You Can’t Ignore Them for Your Business in 2024

Pick of the week

…and the winner is API Design 101: From Basics to Best Practices.

Designing the API is a kind of work of art, and it is by far one of the most important things when we implement a high-priced customer project. Our CEO Chris pays particular attention to this, as it is the visible interface to the customer system. The story perfectly captures what matters. Highly recommended for every backend or full-stack developer.

Coding News

>> Back-End & Web Development Trends For 2024: Great overview of the latest trends, such as edge computing, AI integrations (code generation, code quality checks, etc.), and serverless architecture.

>> Learn from the best, or at least from the big players who have already scaled, and apply this to your work or projects. Let you be inspired by this story about the High-Level System Architecture of

I 💙 Spring

SOLID Principles: These principles are a set of five design principles in object-oriented programming and software development that aim to create more maintainable, flexible, and scalable software. Every developer should at least know that.
Applying SOLID Principles to Spring Boot Applications

Idempotency: Idempotent API means that the data/system state will be the same no matter how many times the API is successfully called with the same request body/parameter — which is highly important in microservice or serverless architectures.
Spring Boot 3: build the efficient Idempotent API by Redis

Best-practice Folder Structure: Good code quality starts with the project design and folder structure. If you’ve never thought about it before, it’s worth taking a look at best practices. The following story is a great starting point: Spring Boot Folder Structure (Best Practices)

Tech / Online business ideas

>> Whether as a side hustle alongside your studies or your full-time job, every developer should have some own activities. Let you be inspired by what is common these days: 🫵 5 achievable side hustles for developers💰

>> Affiliate links are a great way to monetize your website or blog. See what works in this story: I Monetize My Site Using Affiliate Links — Here’s What I Learned

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Insider stories from the team behind a 6-fig web agency. Passion for writing awesome code and turning others into PRO coders. Visit @thechris and