Bringing AI and Stuttgart closer together: Porsche hosts “AI Mondays”

Porsche AG
4 min readMay 16, 2019

Daniel Bareiß, Innovation Manager at Porsche, describes why Porsche brought the event series AI Monday to Stuttgart and why it’s the perfect place to talk about emerging technologies.

By now at the latest, we all know that Artificial intelligence is way more than a buzzword, more than a trend. It’s a game-changer and a huge chance. To push the topic, exchange and knowledge around AI further here in Germany, I’m beyond excited to announce that Porsche is now an official “AI Monday” host, bringing the renowned AI event series to Stuttgart.

Photo by Florian Gagnepain on Unsplash

What started as a Finnish tech afternoon

Originally invented in Finland in the early 2000s, the idea of the by that time so-called “Mobile Mondays” was to bring curious people together to discuss use cases of mobile businesses on Monday afternoons in Helsinki. In 2017, the founders of Taival relaunched the Monday tradition — with a new, highly relevant topic: Artificial Intelligence. And just like that, the event series “AI Monday” was born. Under this title, every Monday after work, various speakers give short talks and demonstrations about AI at different locations of the hosting partners.

Stuttgart loves AI and AI loves Stuttgart

A year later, the concept crossed Finland’s borders and made it to Berlin. Now, I think it’s high time to bring it to the “Cyber Valley” of Germany: the Stuttgart region. Located in the heart of Europe, Stuttgart is the centre of one of the economically strongest metropolitan regions and most innovative high-tech locations in Europe. Here, AI and industry come together in a remarkable way. We have a high number of research and science institutions in the field of artificial intelligence, strong support from the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and a high density of large companies, businesses, and industry — especially in Automotive. It’s a perfect area to bring AI into use.

Porsche Museum in Stuttgart
Porsche Museum in Stuttgart

AI Monday: Why we want it in Stuttgart

That’s why we partnered up with bwcon to bring “AI Mondays” to Stuttgart. We see ourselves as a pioneer in the technological field and want to strengthen the discourse and knowledge about artificial intelligence here, on-site, with everyone. We want to open our doors to engage the dialogue and take responsibility for making AI an even bigger topic in Germany’s economy. Because there are no limits to the potential of AI, and it’s more important than ever to build up a deeper understanding of it, exchange use-cases and transfer knowledge. The AI Mondays at Porsche are not only addressed to automobile manufacturers but rather all industries as we want to engage a cross-industrial exchange.

An open platform for exchange and dialogue: AI Monday at Porsche

The AI Monday in Stuttgart is an after-work event with four crisp presentations as well as a Q&A session. Some speaker also demonstrates their AI solutions, followed by snacks, drinks and networking. Invited are change leaders, companies with a passion for data and disruptions and everyone who is curious about AI. We want to establish an open platform for dialogue and direct exchange of knowledge on AI, where everyone can be part of. Therefore, sales talks, incomprehensible math lectures, deep tech dives, flat consulting and marketing discussions do not take place. It’s more about encouraging each other on our journey to bring AI into powerful business cases and become German AI pioneers!

Porsche Digital, Ludwigsburg
Porsche Digital, Ludwigsburg

Join us for the first #AIMonday in Stuttgart!

The first event takes place on Monday, May 27, in the Digital Experience Foundry at Porsche Digital. We’re happy to have Anja Hendel, Director of the Porsche Digital Lab, Sebastian Klenk, Founder & Managing Director of 5Analytics and Raoul Schönhof, Project Manager at Fraunhofer IPA among the speakers. Find all the information and get your ticket here — we’d love to welcome you!

There are already four more AI Mondays planned in Stuttgart and two additional events in Leipzig this year. Stay tuned.

Daniel Bareiß, Innovation Manager at Porsche
Daniel Bareiß, Innovation Manager at Porsche

Daniel Bareiß is Innovation Manager at Porsche. To find out more, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.



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