Close to the finals of Porsche NEXT OI: 5 Judges about Winning Criteria and the Future of Sports Cars

Porsche AG
9 min readMay 3, 2019
Porsche NEXT OI Competition

The second edition of the Porsche NEXT OI Competition is closing. We have just passed the submission deadline on Tuesday, counting a total number of 749 participants, who created 153 projects on our platform. Today, the 15 best teams are chosen to present their work for future Porsche sports cars to our judging panel at the semifinals next week, on May 9. Only five of them will be invited to go through to the final in June in Ludwigsburg at Porsche Digital and be given the chance to develop a real prototype together with Porsche.

I’m more than excited to see the applications and ideas!

As the finals approach and the teams are now in the hottest phase of finalizing their prototypes and presentations, I talked to five of the judges who will be part of choosing the winners. Find Stefan Zerweck, Patrick Kueck, Anja Hendel, Kevin Giek and Rolf Hartmann’s reflections on open innovation and the future of sports cars below. To all participants: You’ll also find insights on what’s important to the jury regarding the winning idea 😉

Stefan Zerweck, COO at Porsche Digital

What expertise do you bring in as a judge?

After stations in various digital & customer related teams in two automotive OEMs and establishing a digital full-service company for Mercedes-Benz, I am now looking forward to growing and integrating Porsche Digital — with new approaches on innovation, our Digital Labs, Venturing and our Product Organization across markets.

Stefan Zerweck, COO at Porsche Digital

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

I am convinced that we have to join forces to master manifold future business and technical challenges — we simply won’t do it alone. While Porsche is extremely successful, we believe in the chances of collaborating with digital developers, startups and innovation hubs around the world. To me, open innovation is one form of learning and also contributing to this ecosystem.

What does an idea need to win the NEXT OI Competition?

While being innovative (of course), a winning idea needs to offer added value to our customers and/or should also form the basis for a sustainable business model. In the best case, it should be realizable with the chance to get some real-life results (MVP) in the short-term.

Which API combination or scenario do you find most promising and why?

I strongly believe in an API economy which partly is more a mindset challenge than a technical challenge. The ideal scenario would support the creation of applications and services which offer customer value and at the same time support our Porsche business models, all based on a managed set of (micro) services and APIs.

How do you imagine the future of sports cars?

Probably we should talk about ‘sports mobility devices’ rather than cars. Not only will we see everything electrified, but we for sure will have a third dimension in traveling. Independent of what the future holds, driving or flying a Porsche will always be a one-of-a-kind experience!

Patrick Kück, Director Strategy and Innovation at Porsche

Patrick Kueck, Director Strategy and Innovation at Porsche

What expertise do you bring in as a judge?

Being responsible for Strategy and Innovation at Porsche, my team and I frame the companies’ strategic goals and needs. Being involved in innovation management provides for a good perspective on really unique and potentially successful ideas. I also worked on strategic and operational issues for years, which has sharpened my senses for good concepts.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

The innovation cycle is becoming faster and areas for innovation wider — even within one industry. Not even established companies with a lot of knowledge and experience are able to build up competences quick enough to cover all areas. But even if they could: I believe that every external challenge in internal problems provides joint learning and therefore benefits all.

What does an idea need to win the NEXT OI Competition?

A winner’s idea has to be Porsche specific and provide some competitive edge as well as monetization potential. Just as important as the idea itself is a convincing team behind it that is eager to develop the idea even further.

Which API combination or scenario do you find most promising and why?

From my perspective, most promising is an API combination allowing to analyze the physical and emotional state of the driver and according to his state — adjust the conditions and functionalities in the vehicle. That would be the most personalized car experience. I have heard a lot of talk about this topic but not seen it in practice yet.

How do you imagine the future of sports cars?

I imagine a seamless integration of driving modes — allowing us an efficient commute and a thrilling driving experience at the same time when conditions allow.

Anja Hendel, Director at Porsche Digital Lab Berlin

Anja Hendel, Director at Porsche Digital Lab Berlin

What expertise do you bring in as a judge?

In my role as Director of the Porsche Lab in Berlin, technological innovation is my daily business. But besides my technical expertise, I will also bring in a different perspective to the judging panel: The tech industry is still quite male-dominated, but there are plenty of impressing female customers driving our cars and using our services — women whose demands should be represented. So, in addition to my technological background, I can provide a female view of things.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

Technological innovation doesn’t mean the increasing performance of machines in less time only. Playing a crucial role in a smarter future, technology helps us make our lives better. Still, technology is no panacea — we have to ensure that our traditions, people and values are not forgotten. So I believe that including diverse perspectives in developing new technologies is crucial — that’s why we should open up and build it together

What does an idea need to win the NEXT OI Competition?

The winners of the NEXT OI Competition will get the exciting opportunity to work with our in-house experts at Porsche on a prototype for Porsche sports cars. A winning idea should, therefore, provide an added value to our customers. But even more, the team behind the idea needs to be a good fit on a personal level, because we value our team culture.

Which API combination or scenario do you find most promising and why?

To me, it would be great to see applications that take the diversity of our customers into account. And very personally speaking, I’d be happy for an application using the vehicle location so I don’t always have to look for my car 😁

How do you imagine the future of sports cars?

I strongly believe that the future of sports cars will emerge from a combination of creativity and technology. I wouldn’t call myself a dreamer, but apart from the sportiness of a car — how great would it be to get into your Porsche in Stuttgart in the evening and arrive in Berlin well rested the next morning? Individual travel on four wheels from door to door, maybe?

Kevin Giek, Vice President General Purchasing at Porsche

Kevin Giek, Vice President General Purchasing at Porsche

What expertise do you bring in as a judge?

During my career at Porsche, I took on various leading roles in different departments — and was the former project leader Purchasing of the most innovative super sportscar project 918 spyder for several years. In my current position, I am responsible for innovation management within the Purchasing Department which provides me a good overview of all IT projects going on at Porsche.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

When you take a look at the deep integration of our supplier base it is essential to organize activities with our supplier- and startup-ecosystem. They are key when it comes to innovation — this is why have to take new impulses from outside into our development to create something new.

What does an idea need to win the NEXT OI Competition?

Personally, I think that all the participants should focus on:

  1. Creativity of the product: In particular with regard to usability, design, and intuitiveness.
  2. Potential value: Is the product scalable? Does it provide economic or social value to Porsche and/or our customers?
  3. Use of APIs/SDKs: To which extent were they implemented, how effectively does the product make use of the tools, and how many features are used in the product?
  4. Ease of implementation: Is the value provided to the user realistically achievable with existing technologies within the near term?
  5. Contribution pitch: Make clear what problem the product addresses, how the product solves the problem, and what technology is used.

Which API combination or scenario do you find most promising and why?

Overall the participants have to focus on API combinations that affect the three scenarios Home, Drive and Arrival. To me, traveling carefree through the rush hour, having a seamless parking experience and arriving at home where everything is prepared for the arrival seems very promising.

How do you imagine the future of sports cars?

We are working hard on the future of the sports car — not alone, but closely together with our ecosystem consisting of partners, suppliers, and startups. So I imagine the future sports car as a joint vision. I believe in what Ferry Porsche said himself that “The last car ever to be built will be a sports car.”

Rolf Hartmann, Vice President Smart Mobility at Porsche

Rolf Hartmann, Vice President Smart Mobility at Porsche

What expertise do you bring in as a judge?

My expertise is derived from several years in deployment experience and my role as a Business Owner for Connect, Mobility and E-Mobility Services at Porsche.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

Open innovation is an essential key for leveraging ideas and opportunities from different business and industry segments. Connecting different fields of business and/or transferring technical approaches will create a new digital experience to the customer. Furthermore, open innovation increases the reach within a short time frame significantly — if that’s not a great reason for open innovation.

What does an idea need to win the NEXT OI Competition?

The best idea should have proven to solve a real customer pain point or need. Thus, starting with real data analytics on customer needs within the Porsche ecosystem would be a sound starting point. To me, another essential of a winning idea is compelling digital user experience of the product.

Which API combination or scenario do you find most promising and why?

Well, the most promising API scenario is the idea that is fulfilling the winning criteria I mentioned before!

How do you imagine the future of sports cars?

I personally imagine the future of sports cars as a community of passionate customers who love the physical and digital experience of sporty mobility — fast, exclusive and sustainable. Let’s go for that!

Thank you for all the insights, tips and thoughts. Everyone, stay tuned for the final of the Porsche NEXT OI Competition 2019!

Andy Grau, Innovation Manager at Porsche

Andy Grau is Innovation Manager at Porsche. To find out more about Porsche and Technology, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.



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