“Digital Transformation Opens Up New Possibilities for Women in the Automotive Industry”

Porsche Digital
5 min readFeb 29, 2020

In 2016, Porsche launched the independent subsidiary Porsche Digital to develop new digital business models. Patricia Rennert is Head of Industry Solutions at Porsche Digital. In the following interview, she explains what her job entails, and why digital transformation is especially exciting for women in the automotive industry. This interview was first published in issue 3/20 of AUTO&Wirtschaft.

Patricia Rennert, Head of Industry Solutions at Porsche Digital

What brought you to Porsche and Porsche Digital?

At university, I studied industrial engineering with a particular focus on mechanical engineering. After spending a year in Japan, I returned to Germany. Following my internship and diploma thesis, I started my career at Porsche in December 2005. Initially, I worked in production planning and then as assistant to the production board. After this, I took over an assembly line at our plant in Leipzig. Even then, digital transformation fascinated me and, from 2015 to 2018, I worked at a consulting company in this field. Eventually, until I returned to Porsche and joined Porsche Digital in August 2018.

You head Porsche Digital’s Industry Solutions division, what exactly do you do there?

At Porsche Digital, we develop and build new digital solutions and business models. In the Industry Solutions division, we primarily build digital solutions based on future technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence). This means we can make business processes within Porsche more effective and efficient. The aim is also to drive these innovations forward so that they can be quickly turned into products that are ready for the market.

Can you give an example of how this works in concrete terms?

On the one hand, employees from various specialist areas approach us and describe the challenges they face. We then try to find technological solutions for these problems. On the other hand, we collaborate closely with start-ups that work with new technologies, which we can then use for our business processes. Besides AI, these also include blockchain technology, quantum computing and IoT (Internet of Things).

Patricia Rennert at re:publica 2019

What fascinates you about digital transformation?

We are in the middle of the age of digital transformation — still in the early stages, really. For me personally, it is fascinating to be a part of it and at the forefront of innovation with Porsche Digital. What fascinates me about my work is that my production background allows me to bring together the areas of automotive manufacturing and AI to develop high-tech solutions. Personally, I see the potential of AI in “supporting and enabling”, so I am pleased to be able to “give back” the value of these technologies to my colleagues.

Although we are all participating in digital transformation, thanks to smartphones and the like, for many people the digital revolution also causes a lot of anxiety. Why is this?

I think that has a lot to do with the fact that the concept of digital transformation encompasses so many themes. This, in combination with the speed at which it is progressing, can be quite intimidating. One book that fascinated me in this respect is The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. It is all about the opportunities digital transformation offers, as well as how to use it. Many people are not aware how digital their lives already are — think of how frequently we use our smartphones, Facebook, computers and so on. It is already part of everyday lives.

Most of us use digital technology in our private lives — while we also have to deal with it professionally, too. Do you ever feel like you need to take a break in the form of a digital detox?

Yes, of course — I use so many apps every day on my smartphone. While I am a big fan of everything digital, in both the professional and private sphere, I too need a digital break from time-to-time. It is nice to put my smartphone down so I can go out and explore nature.

So, hand-on-heart, which apps do you use every day?

In the office, we use communication apps every day. Privately, we organize half of our family life that way (laughs). Above all, apps with calendar arrangements and shopping lists are indispensable for us. And I do yoga with a digital assistant every day.

Patricia in the Porsche Digital office in Berlin

More and more women are entering the automotive industry, but not enough of them yet. Could that change through digital transformation? Does digital transformation make the automotive industry more attractive for women?

I have high hopes that this will change. Here, at Porsche Digital in Berlin, for example, we have a very diverse team: 50 percent of them are women. I think diversity is very important for a team, not only when it comes to gender relations. Different cultural backgrounds also contribute to a successful team. Digital transformation opens up exciting new opportunities for women, particularly in the automotive industry, by creating positions that did not exist before. In addition to this, the next generation is growing up surrounded by digitalization and with it, a progressive approach.

What advice do you have for women interested in a career in the automotive industry?

My very basic advice is that you follow your curiosity — if you are interested in a topic, do not let yourself be led astray. Also, as a woman, you should not be put off by the fact that the automotive industry is said to be dominated by men, because this is simply not the case. Porsche Digital is the best example of this.

In your view, how will digital transformation change mobility?

Although it is difficult to predict, I can imagine that digital services in particular will change mobility. In Germany, for example, we offer a monthly price package for flexible vehicle use with “Porsche inFlow”. Subscription models like this give customers the opportunity to be mobile during the periods they need to be. It also means they are not required to own a vehicle on a permanent basis. In the future, it is important that mobility offers like these are guided by customers’ needs.

About this publication: Where innovation meets tradition. There’s more to Porsche than sports cars — we’re tackling new challenges, develop digital products and think digital with focus on the customer. On our Medium blog, we tell these stories. It´s about our #nextvisions, smart technologies and the people that drive our digital journey. Please follow us on Twitter (Porsche Digital, Next Visions), Instagram (Porsche Digital, Next Visions, Porsche Newsroom) and LinkedIn (Porsche AG, Porsche Digital) for more.



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