Next Visions at #IAA19 — a day for the future

Porsche AG
6 min readSep 9, 2019

At the International Auto Show (IAA) in Frankfurt, Porsche is putting a whole day full of panels, keynotes, demonstrations and discussions under the topic of the future — on and off the road. International experts, pioneers and thought leaders will be discussing not only the transformation of mobility, but also the city of tomorrow, the exploration of new worlds and the significance of future technologies such as artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and blockchain for the entire automotive industry. At the Porsche booth in Hall 3 (A12) from 12.00 pm to 7.00 pm on September 20, 2019.

How digital is mobility tomorrow?

If you believe a current BITKOM study, the car divides the Germans. Every second citizen in Germany wants to buy an electric car or even an autonomously controlled vehicle. The other half rejects them. We have come to the point where digital is worth more than many hp. Today, digital services such as integrated navigation services, driver assistance systems or intelligent services based on vehicle data are decisive criteria when Germans buy a vehicle.

Discussing tomorrow — international technology experts visit Porsche

Porsche’s “Next Visions Day” at the IAA focuses on dialogue with different perspectives and different stakeholders. Existing Porsche partners from the technology and digital scene, start-ups from the Porsche Ventures program as well as futurologists, architects and programmers will take part. All-day long, we will focus on new concepts, solutions, and applications on and off the road, always driven by digitization, automation — made for people. All visitors of the IAA are invited. Tickets can be ordered here. You can find all the information about the full 12-day program of Porsche at #IAA19 on the Porsche Newsroom.

These are our topics and speakers of the Next Visions Day in detail

Next Visions: Drive


Stay focused, trust autonomy, look beyond: The Zurich-based start-up WayRay develops and produces holographic augmented reality head-up display technologies and is working on the ability to seamlessly integrate virtual objects into the driving experience. On our Next Visions Day at IAA, Founder & CEO Vitaly Ponomarev presents how AR will change the mobility industry in the future. Join our discussion!


Transforming every journey into hyper-immersive experiences: holoride brings navigational and car data together with cross-reality (XR), turning vehicles into moving theme parks. Together with Porsche, the young Munich-based startup opened up a new dimension for in-car entertainment by giving passengers the opportunity of immersing themselves in virtual entertainment worlds. Don’t miss CEO and Co-Founder Nils Wollny’s panel about creating game-changing driving experiences on our Next Visions Day at IAA!


No more range anxiety: Chargetrip makes electric driving easy for everyone with predictive route calculations. Because taking a longer EV journey still holds for some challenges, the Dutch startup built a powerful application that includes trip planning, station overviews and live navigation. Join us on our Next Visions Day at IAA when Pieter Waller, CCO of Chargetrip, talks about AI navigation in the electric future!

Next Visions: Data


The all in one app for your vehicle: Gapless allows customers to digitally manage their vintage vehicles, including the entire vehicle history, and share this information with other users in a secure format that prevents forgery. To offer this service, the start-up is developing a solution based on blockchain technology designed to maintain or increase the value of the collector’s pieces. Join us on our Next Visions Day at IAA when Gapless CEO Jan Karnath talks about the future of platforms and new business models.

High Mobility

Build, test and run your apps with car data: High Mobility is the leading vehicle data platform for applications working with personalized car data. Test your application in a simulation environment and get verified to access data from multiple carmakers using a standardized connected car API. During the Porsche #nextvisions day at IAA in Frankfurt am Main, High Mobility founder Risto Vahtra talks about your new moneymaker.

Aya Jaff

Aya Jaff is a women in tech, a 23-year-old co-founder, keynote speaker and mentor, discussing tomorrow and building the future. She gives workshops, holds keynotes and writes articles — and the book “Moneymakers”. Aya Jaff helps businesses become more digital and innovative. Don’t miss this inspiring woman on our Next Visions Day at #IAA19!

Next Visions: Perspectives

Ben Hammersley

As one of the world’s leading futurists, thought leader and author on the networked world, Ben Hammersley guides us through the key lessons on how to work, live, thrive, and innovate in the coming years —synthesizing cutting-edge research from multiple disciplines. He has specialized on the impact of the post-digital and post-internet age and the requirements that result from it.

You’re curious about the future in 2050? Be sure you don’t miss Hammersley’s keynote at our Next Visions Day at IAA in Frankfurt this Friday.

Tim Leberecht

In history, the age of enlightenment was followed by the age of romance. Today, in times of rising artificial intelligence, we try to rationalize and quantify everything. Is it time to find a new business romance? To focus on what makes us truly human? Tim Leberecht is not only the author of bestseller „Business romance“ and the House of Beautiful Business CEO, but a pioneer for a new humanism in economy and society in the context of digitalization, automation and artificial intelligence. We’re happy to have him speak about the romantic in business at the Next Visions Day on Friday and share his #nextvisions with us!

Stefan Liske

Stefan Liske is a stuntman, racing driver and founder of PCH Innovations. You may call him an innovation designer. Following his strong drive to unleash the transdisciplinary forces of design, marketing and engineering, he opens up new innovations and concepts for companies. He’s the one questioning petrified business models, processes & structures and offering unusual alternatives. Join us on our Next Visions Day on Friday and listen to his keynote about AI-based Dreamtelligence in design & engineering.

Beautiful minds create tomorrow. Thought leader & tech player define the future of mobility with us — a platform driven by Porsche. Join our journey and discuss your #nextvisions with us on Instagram and Twitter.



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