Porsche NEXT OI Competition: 4 questions to 4 Porsche experts about open innovation, challenges and APIs

Porsche AG
6 min readApr 10, 2019

Six weeks ago, we launched the second edition of the Porsche NEXT OI Competition. Since then, 665 participants submitted 117 projects. In diverse, interdisciplinary teams, developers from all over the world are now working on applications for future Porsche sports cars in three specific areas: Home, Driving and Arrival.

Tomorrow, we’ll arrive at the second feedback point where the teams can submit the first version of their app for detailed feedback from Porsche experts. To get a better idea of the competition, I asked four of my colleagues about their opinions on open innovation, their expectations and the API combination of their choice. Here are the answers.

Matthias Hub, IT Project Lead and Prototyper at Porsche

Matthias Hub, IT Project Lead and Prototyper at Porsche

What’s your field of expertise?

I’m working as a digital services prototyper within Porsche’s IT department. In my job, I evaluate new technologies and work with startups on how to include their ideas in the upcoming digital products and services around Porsche cars. I’m very happy to support the participants of this year’s NEXT OI competition by giving early feedback on how to create more value out of an idea. Besides that, I can help with the structure and fine tuning of idea pitches.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

Good ideas are created all the time, everywhere. That’s why I think that tapping into the wealth of ideas outside the company is necessary to be actually innovative. To be challenged by the ideas of others is a good way of keep pushing your limits of thinking as well as keeping your mind open.

What are you hoping to get out of the NEXT OI Competition 2019?

First of all, I anticipate to find excellent new ideas that provide great opportunities for future digital services for Porsche. But then, I also hope that we continue to build a strong network of innovators, whether they are startups, students, individual developers or an individual within a larger enterprise. I’m also looking forward to, once again, showcase that the work of a cross-functional team from different departments can result in great achievements. Hopefully, we can spread this message further!

Which API combination do you find most promising and why?

I see a lot of promising opportunities for digital services coming up with the advent of electric cars and the integration of these into a charging infrastructure. To me, the given Charging APIs, combined with a digital service outside the vehicle, seem to be very appealing aspects to investigate further.

Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Innovation Manager Electrical/Electronic Engineering at Porsche

Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Innovation Manager Electrical/Electronic Engineering at Porsche

What’s your field of expertise?

I am an innovation manager in Research & Development, in particular Electronic / Electrical Engineering at Porsche. My daily work involves coordinating innovations around various topics — such as connected services, AI, batteries, displays and infotainment.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

Open innovation gives us the opportunity to work with many world-class experts for mutual benefits. At Porsche, we like to engage with startups, tier 1s, universities and many more institutions to create new solutions for our customers. For this, it is essential that we open up our platforms in a way that allows third-party developers to engage with us.

What are you hoping to get out of the NEXT OI Competition 2019?

I would love to see ideas that really surprise me and uncover all the potential around technologies and business models. To me, this is the best part of working together with different people, especially those who aren’t necessarily in the automotive business — they create new links. Also, ideas that showcase a lot potential but are still suitable for a quick proof-of-concept would be a great starting point for a future collaboration.

Which API combination do you find most promising and why?

I think that everything related to location, charging status, and user mobility is very interesting. Taking the complete customer journey into account, and combining an engaging driving experience seamlessly with urban and last-mile mobility seems very promising to me.

Hiep Bui Khac, Interactive Product Designer at Porsche

Hiep Bui Khac, Interactive Product Designer at Porsche

What’s your field of expertise?

I’m an interactive product designer focusing on UI and UX here at Porsche. Innovation and curiosity are what drives me — that’s why I’m very happy to be a mentor in the Porsche NEXT OI Competition 2019. I provide the participants with my expertise in the field of automotive and of course in design.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

We’re currently standing at the edge of a revolution in the automotive industry. The world is changing at a pace that’s hard to keep up with, with a complexity so high no person can oversee alone. Therefore, teaming up, joining forces and creating spaces for innovation to rise and grow, like our NEXT OI platform, are essential in order to be successful in the future.

What are you hoping to get out of the NEXT OI Competition 2019?

Porsche is opening its doors to all the smart, creative and interesting minds and personalities out there — I’m super curious to meet these people, hear their thoughts and see new ideas. I’m not looking for the perfect product that’s already finished, but hope to learn from each participant’s ideas in order to get an understanding of what is necessary to collaborate.

Which API combination do you find most promising and why?

As a designer, coming from a users’ perspective, the APIs aren’t as interesting to me as the possibilities that technology can bring to satisfy users’ needs.

Patrick Huke, Manager Venturing at Porsche Digital

What’s your field of expertise?

I am Manager Venturing at Porsche Digital. Our goal is to support Porsche in accessing future technologies and business models through corporate venture capital. In this context, we are always looking for entrepreneurs and startups to invest in and partner with.

Why do you think open innovation is essential?

I think that open innovation is not only essential to build on the success we already have, but an opportunity to stay ahead of competition. It’s a chance for us to not only create new products and services but to innovate existing ones together with external partners.

What are you hoping to get out of NEXT OI Competition 2019?

After the successful NEXT OI Competition in 2018, we hope to again boost innovation culture at Porsche by collaborating with developers, and to jointly come up with innovative ideas especially beyond our main fields of expertise. Additionally, we aim to meet open-minded entrepreneurs who share our vision for the sports car of the future — and to build a strong ecosystem of partners.

Which API combination do you find the most promising and why?

With more than 240 APIs and over 300 different data sources and functions this question is obviously difficult to answer. At Porsche Digital, we are particularly interested in innovation that also goes beyond the car, the ideas in the field of Digital Business Models and Lifestyle are especially interesting to us. These might be ideas around smart homes / IoT, digital assistants and the involvement of digital ecosystem partners, which provide real added value to our customers.

Andy Grau,Innovation Manager at Porsche

Andy Grau is Innovation Manager at Porsche. To find out more about Porsche and Technology, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.



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