Next Level Digital Media & Marketing
2 min readJun 18, 2019


Instagram is one among the top three social media sites today and has been fueling the social media game for years already. Without Instagram, my generation would not have the strong online presence and voice that it currently carries. According to Matt Southern of the SearchEngine Journal, Instagram is now allowing advertisers to boost posts that carry any organic component to them to feed along the numerous ads on the app already.

Organic components include incorporating influencers outdoors, fresh produce, and fitness in their posts. It seems that organic and essentially just anything not manufactured is currently trending. Products like kombucha, green juices, and HOT yoga are all thriving during this hype and the organic companies are capitalizing off of that. I feel that my generation is one that mimics whatever their favorite influencer is doing because of the whole trendiness aspect behind it, and because of that if Instagram really does boost these organic posts, you may see an influx in healthier lifestyles amongst enthusiastic social media users. The whole idea of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is heavily driven by these popular influencers (hence these internet “celebrities” living up to their names). Additionally, this catalyzes the capitalist side of self branding. The age of oversharing is here and it is embedded within Gen Z’s blood system.

Southern mentions that advertisers will be allowed to select specific objectives that they are trying to meet with their branded content post. Some of

those include reach, brand awareness, video views, traffic, and engagement. This will be launched in the coming weeks and definitely will be heavily influential.

Works Cited:

Southern, Matt. “Instagram Lets Advertisers Boost Organic Posts as Feed Ads.” Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Journal, 5 June 2019, www.searchenginejournal.com/instagram-lets-advertisers-boost-organic-posts-as-feed-ads/311259/.

