Working with media startups: what our investors and partners have to say.

next media accelerator
next media accelerator
4 min readApr 24, 2018

#accelerator #media #tech #startups

Illustrations by Maldo |

From the first day that startups join our program we work together with them to provide the most valuable experience to take their product a step further. Beyond investment and mentorship, we believe that the “secret sauce” for their success at the accelerator lies on the connections to our powerful network of leading media companies and publishers.

That’s why we prioritize bringing teams together with high class contacts inside these organizations, so that they can find partners to learn about the need of those companies and, as a result of this exchange, test their products.

All this is possible thanks to the receptivity and open spirit of our media partners to bring pioneer solutions to their organizations. #innovateordie

This is what our partners have to say about cooperating with our startups:

“The NMA helps us to discover relevant emerging trends and to develop innovative projects in close cooperation with highly engaged teams.”

Angela Broer, Managing Director at ZEIT Akademie GmbH

Our startups are invited at Die Zeit for a morning of breakfast and pitches, where products to test are selected. Latest partnerships include Rawr (batch 5) and helloguide (batch 6).

“As we work together with the nma-startups, a new dimension of our products and processes is shown to us. And by the contact with the startups our staff comes closer bit by bit to a new culture which media houses needs for the future.”

Manfred Sauerer, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief at Mittelbayerische Zeitung.

Example of this partnership, Mittelbayerische partnered up with our batch 5 team 23degrees for Easy Testing.

“Since the foundation of nma we are cultivating an inspiring partnership. That is why we have had so far several successful experiences working together. Our most biggest and also most recent success was the support of nma during our PR-hackathon in Hamburg. For three days, around 100 developers, designers and communications professionals turned the PR industry upside down — far from their everyday work and in a start-up atmosphere. The nma supported the teams during the 48 hours of the hackathon and trained the participants for the final pitches.” Edith Stier-Thompson, Managing Director at news aktuell GmbH.

news aktuell recently visited our office for a speed-dating with our batch 6 teams — an opportunity to get to know their products and set future cooperations.

“Working and discussing with our startups at the next media accelerator is like having an extensive “innovation team as a service”. We develop ideas, we support them wherever possible and we’re happy to learn from them in building new products for our audiences or customers.” Nicolas L. Fromm, Managing Director Digital at NOZ MEDIEN. has previously partned up with isnotTV (batch 2) to film recommendations to readers.

“My previous successful experience working together with the nma is of course Nqyer. With investing in Nqyer as Weischer.Media we got young and fresh ideas into our Company. Everyday we learn from them and they learn from us. Without the nma we would have never meet Nqyer and we would never have so many successful Campaigns together with in Influencer Marketing.” Franziska Knoefel, Manager Digital Revolution at Weischer. Media. “ Weischer.Media

In 2016 acquired 51% of Nqyer, startup from our batch 1. It made it to the news.

“Getting the nma-startups on board and working with our teams has been a great success for both, allowing early testing of their ideas and sparking new features and functionality on our platforms.” Jesper Doub, Managing Director at SPIEGEL ONLINE

Thanks to a successful trial, the Israeli team Pushapps (batch 2) has Bento as a strategic partner to use their enhanced push notifications product.

We want to help media tech founders to build and develop their products. Call for startups to join our next batch are open! Apply now.

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