Next Right Reads


Jack Gerard
2 min readSep 26, 2016
Image from: We need each other now more than ever.

Dana Perino on millennial voters.

Don’t tell them what not to do

Telling millennials not to vote for one candidate because they are a “worse” candidate than you are is not a convincing strategy.

This is a generation that doesn’t find most politicians sincere or trustworthy. In fact, in a recent Quinnipiac Survey, 77% of millennials said Hillary “was not honest and trustworthy.”

The 2016 presidential race has turned into a choice determined on character, instead of a choice between ideologies and policies. Ideas are what inspire people to vote for one candidate over the other, not coercion based on fear of what will happen if the other person is elected.

Both candidates should strive to inspire millennials through their character, ideas and values. They won’t be scared into voting against someone.

Glenn Beck on civility in political discourse.

This next president will face a hostile country divided. I will give either candidate my support until and unless they violate a constitutional principle, and I won’t vote for either. But we must pray that whoever is elected is constitutionally successful.

Trump Is Your Fault continues to document the rise of Trump.

One of the biggest threats to Republican politicians in the Obama years has been the threat of being taken out in a primary election by an outsider touting more conservative credentials. It happened to David Dewhurst. It happened to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. It happened to Charlie Crist. (Which: good.) The anti-establishment fervor of voters has made politicians feel like they need to buff their own anti-establishment credentials — potentially to harmful extremes, as being an elected politician in and of itself is already a pro-establishment downside.

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