Next Right Reads


Jack Gerard
2 min readNov 1, 2016
Image: To Solve the Conservative Intellectual Crisis, Work with Democrats

Jeanette Rubio on the Marco Rubio she knows.

Marco’s law forces any country in the world that receives American aid to give birth certificates to little girls when they’re born. That may not sound like much, but that one piece of paper could save thousands of girls from becoming victims of human trafficking by preventing them from being sold. If it just saves one child, it’s worth it and we know it will save hundreds, if not thousands.

I’m proud of the husband and father that he is. I am proud of the man he is.And I’m proud of him for standing up to protect young girls around the world.

y en espanol

Nicholas Grossman for Arc explains the landscape for conservative intellectuals.

Over the last eight years, the Republican strategy was all-or-nothing. And they repeatedly got nothing.

They put all their chips on winning the White House in 2012, and then 2016, effectively ceding the policy debate to Obama and the Democrats.

Blocking bad policies is an important and legitimate job of the opposition. But never compromising hurt the country, set back conservative policy goals, and helped anti-intellectual extremists gain power within the Republican party.

Chad Gilmartin on why Hillary’s emails matter.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign is also on a mission to smear Director Comey’s integrity. Despite the well-documented praise of Director Comey from Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and other top Democrats after Hillary narrowly escaped email-related charges in July, every one of those figures have changed their mind. On the campaign trail Monday, Hillary Clinton accused Director Comey of “jump[ing] into an election with no evidence,” adding, “There is no case here!”

If there is no case Hillary, then why has a) more evidence been found, 650,000 emails found on Weiner’s laptop, b) a search warrant issued on the basis of probable cause, and c) Director Comey testified under oath to Congress that he would re-open the case, as he has done so now, on the basis of “any new & substantial information”?

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