Next Right Reads


Jack Gerard
3 min readSep 22, 2016
Image from: Confession is Good for the Soul

Erick Erickson with a follow-up to his The Resurgent article from yesterday.

I wrote a piece overnight about reconsidering my vote for Donald Trump. The truth is that I have absolutely struggled with this issue and the struggle has grown daily.

I want to support the Republican. I was once an elected Republican. But Trump is not a Republican and if he is one, I am not one. But my primary opposition is religious.

Someone tweeted at me earlier today, “So if it wasn’t about Christianity you’d support him?” If it was not about Christianity, I would not be me. I’m a pretty terrible sinner, but my faith more and more defines me. Seeing Christians attracted to Trump horrifies me, but it also confirms the shallow state of Christianity in America.

That though is not the confession.

Senator Tim Scott explains the Senate opportunity coalition.

My conversation with Minnie only reinforced my belief that we owe it to strong individuals like her to continue seeking ways to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. For people who live in distressed communities, opportunity is like the light house in the middle of a dark stormy night. They can see it from their boat in the middle of the ocean, but the shore remains out of reach due to the storm around them. It is my hope that the Senate Opportunity Coalition will be the lifeline that reels them into safety and ushers them to the shores of success.

Senator Kelly Ayotte pens an open letter to military families.

Joe and I were on our honeymoon when the devastating terrorist attacks changed the course of our nation’s history and of our family’s life. Joe was serving in the Air National Guard, and was planning to become a commercial airline pilot. Instead, a few months after we got married he was deployed to fly combat missions in Iraq.

It was hard to be separated so early into our marriage, made harder still when I lost the baby we’d been expecting before he left. This time helped me understand just how difficult it is when your loved one is deployed and away from home. There are joys and losses that we experience that they’re not there for, and so many moments when you wish they were with you.

Though it was very disappointing, this experience also helped me appreciate the gift of life — which is even more precious to us now, having two wonderful children. I’m so grateful today to have Joe by my side, and thankful for my kids Kate and Jake and for our family.

During the trying times, there’s a common refrain Joe and I will repeat to one another. “Brush the dirt off and get back in the game.” We don’t just expect resilience and grit in the face of adversity from our men and women in uniform, we ask it of their families as well. And so we owe it to our veterans and their families to have their backs, and fully honor the commitments we’ve made to them.

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