A long day for me| Daily Digest 30th April

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2018

300 words everyday. let’s first see what will happen one month later.

Recently I am kind of angry with myself since I can not put finishing the daily digest as my priority which I think it should be though. I am distracted by different stuff these days, final papers, mobile phones, or chatting with roommates so late that I have to sleep right away. So hopefully after Thursday, after everything was done I will make a calendar for myself to keep blogging in a regular time and continue my plan.

Today is a long day. Since from brunch, I begin to get noticed from wechat that one of our cohort Sisi is missing for nearly five days and her parents has already arrived at States to solve this problem. All our classmates are very worry about Sisi and her parents, so the news spread very quickly on everyones social media.

I am scared. I was thinking of my parents when people mention sisi’s parents. They put down everything to come to US, I can not imagine how hard it is for them to been through these days without knowing where their daughter is.

Just be safe. You are more than you think. Especially to your family and friends.

I continue to swim per day, at least every two days. It feels good since I can keep swimming longer than before. Hope I can discover more about how swimming can affect me and write a blog for it.

Which I could have a compass in my heart.

“A person walking through a maze made out of rocks by the side of the beach” by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Stay real!

Word count:244.

Find more of my stories here !

By the way, 👏🏻 *clap* 👏🏻 your hands (up to 50x) if you enjoyed this post. It encourages me to keep daily writing and help other people finding it :)



Next Thoughts
Next Thoughts

Published in Next Thoughts

Think deeper, writer more, grow faster and become stronger.

Meiling Wu
Meiling Wu

Written by Meiling Wu

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China

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