Connecting problem resolution to outstanding service.

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Problems can and will happen. Though we might try everything in advance to avoid customers facing those situation, it is a fact of life.

However, problems can also represent opportunities.

We can win over customers by solving their problems quickly. The opposite is also true. You might end up with even worse situation if you fail to solving problems.

“A person drafting a marketing campaign plan in a notebook on their lap” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Let’s say if a cable technician arrives late to a customer’s home, it is understandable that the customer will get irritate. But what’s important is what you do later to make the customer the last impression. If the technician is unpologetic and rude, customer will get even angry. But what if the technician apologize and help to solve problems quickly and successfully, customer might feel happy at the end of the day

Problems impact both rational and emotional needs.

The rational needs are impacted because problems can cost people extra time and moneys. The emotional can be affected and people might feel frustrated, exhausted and even rage.

To solve the problem, we often need to address both the rational and emotional needs.

For example, a customer ordered some greeting cards from a printing company but she did not get the cards on time so she called the customer service to track her order. The customer service staff tool care her rational needs, helped her to find out the cards and ship to her. But the rep ignore customers emotional needs and being un empathetic.

Solving problems increases customer loyalty

And that might be a chance to make customer even loyaler.

And next year, customer order cards from different company.

This time the cards arrive at wrong date. She called customer service line and frustrated. And the result turns out that it is because an error she made. And this is how customer service turned things around by addressing customer’s emotional needs.

First, the rep addressed this is an normal error, he even apologized to customers that their system is not easy to use. This made customers feel less embarrassed. Then the rep offer new cards to the customer without new charge and ship to customer with express delivery so the customer can get it later this week. This let customer feel grateful and relief since company is fixing her error. The customer end up post a note on Facebook to recommend this company to all her friends.

Customer compare your service to that of your competitor.

People don’t look at the card issue with isolation, they often compare with other companies.

Especially after people made comparison, they often take business ti your competitors when the issue is not acceptable.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Problem solving is an essential aspect of outstanding customer service.

I will walk you through some obstacles in later medium articles that can make problem resolution difficult and some technics that can overcome these technics and help your customer succeed.

My name is Meiling, a marketing master student in NYU. I am during my Gap Year and write reflections and business related inspiration.

Find more of my stories here !

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Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China