Five sales mindsets that help you succeed in real life.

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2018

What I learned from an amazing Bulgarian Start up.

“A bright neon on a brick wall in a store” by Austin Chan on Unsplash

I heard a saying that there are lots of CEOs are coming from a salesperson in their earlier career stage. And since the positions of sales in different companies actually do not require much of their background. So sales become a hot job these days that people are willing to get hands-on and learn something from it.

Actually, the art of sales does not only show in the business world but also show in our daily life. Before you are a salesperson having the conversation with potential clients, you are you who is a human that learn from daily life.

Since recently, I joined a company that based in Bulgaria and received a very comprehensive training about sales. Here are five sales mindsets you might be interested to learn to be successful.

“Two businesspeople talking at a table over a laptop with line charts” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Proactive / Always follow up

Be the first one to move.

Sales never happen overnight.

When you talking with clients about specific dates that you might go to send them reports or need some materials from them. Be the one to ask and send a reminder email. Never waiting for them to come and find you which probably never happen. Be proactive might sometimes bring you more opportunities and help you with positive progress. Just do not be too pushy that they might feel uncomfortable.


Sometimes even customers don’t know what they want and what kind of suppliers should they find out to sell to. Now, it is your job to help them to dig deeper and find out those specific needs that hidden behind those fact.

Also, focus on details will increase your credibility and build good relationship with your clients and together create win- win results.

Never over promise

Only promise those things that you can deliver. Sometimes the client might ask you about the outcomes that you might able to give, for example how many products can you help them to sell. You will risk yourself with great danger if you respond with a certain number without research and thinking.

Sometimes being direct is a better way since you will build mutual agreement with your clients that both of you will try your best to achieve the goals but we can never promise with the results since not everything is under our control.

Shy is not the value.

As a salesperson, you might need to put much more effort than others when it comes to talking with people and even doing cold calls. Since you are the one who initiates the conversation and keeps people at your pace. Shy will never become an excuse and shy will make you lose those opportunities that you should have got. Keep trying and don’t settle.

It takes time to equip these skills with you but the time you spend on learning and practicing will definitely make a positive impact on your career and personal life.

My name is Meiling, a marketing master student in NYU. I am during my Gap Year and write reflections and business related inspiration.

Find more of my stories here !

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Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China