July 2018 — Routine Life. | Review Notes

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
8 min readAug 3, 2018

It was a busy month, every weekend are occupied since now I am interning in Bulgaria, and there are many other international interns, so we prefer to have trips to different cities because of our limited time here. So recently, I barely have time on weekends to sit down and write my personal reflections. So I a trying to seek out sometimes during work days after work to write my review for July.


Overall, life kind of entering a situation that everything is stable and regular. Rather than feeling like living in a foreign country and everyday is an adventure, I feel more comfortable with everyday routine through the living condition in the students’ dorm is not so good. Walking around the city center is one of my favorite things to do since for me anywhere with 4mins walk is manageable.

There actually isn’t much time for me after work, so I feel very tired for the past month mentally. It might because of those trips every weekend as I mentioned before, I don’t have time to just be alone and recover energy. As far as I remember, to be alone to gain energy is the typical way for the introvert, and apparently, I am an extrovert person, at least for the past 22 years. I always feel good when I meet new people and stay with friends.

So there might be a change in me as time goes by. Especially recently, I find out it is really much more important to taking care of mine own feeling rather than over thinking those words and actions that from others.

Drinking beers have become one part of my life routine. Since there are many different brands and types of beers across Europe and can be found in Bulgaria at a fair price. So my final goal is to try all kinds of beers that can be found here though it sounds impossible and learn more about beer culture. I do prefer beer rather than wine when it comes to alcohol.



July is my second month working in Out2Bound, things become easier and smoother. I totally get used to the working environment and working flow.

Lead Generation is still the main task for the sales side of my work. I begin to try to sense the business objectives behind the list of names since one of our staff always said:

We are not only dealing with a list of names, there are real people behind the list and you can actually close deals with these contacts.

So trying to find the pattern behind repetitive tasks, notice keywords from their profile and experience, and pay enough attention to details are challenging. Luckily, I begin to get used to them and try to discover something new from them.

Also, another big part of my job shift to marketing. I get to have a chance to take videos from other members and learn to use the video editor to create a promotional video that can be used later on our official website. Also, for the Chinese market, I begin writing blogs and enhance our online presence at Zhihu.com (Which is like Quora). I try to use a different approach to Chinese market since the difference between social channels and how people perceive business opportunities.

And I also begin to try outbound campaign targeted to US at the end of July so that I might be able to share more in the next episode of monthly review after I finish it.

AIESEC in New Zealand

Things just happened to just on this. I only use two days to finish the applications and one day for ratification, one day for the personal interview and one day for 24 hours challenges.

Actually, I already finished my AIESEC journey two years ago, I knew my AIESEC Journey is not fulfilled but I know I have to move to next stage. But things are always like this, if you have some ideas in your mind, no matter how many years passed, that trigger is still there and you know you still hold that desire when it appears again. So that’s also the same for me.

So long story short, I am now become MC VP Marketing in AIESEC in New Zealand 1819. And let’s see what will happen and hopefully, this will become one of the best experience in my life.After 1757 days, I am still an aiesecer!

What I Read & Watch & Listen & Learned

Reading is always my weakness since as I audio learner, I do prefer podcast and just listen to some courses that delivered by people either in person or as a format of audio. So I didn’t read too many articles in the past month, which I am not very satisfied with myself. I created a reading tracker and try to read at least 3 articles per day but I always forget.

If the goals you set is unachievable, you will never have the motivation to even give it a try.

Maybe three per day is too much, maybe there are better ways to remind myself to read, so I will try with a different number and see how things happen.

But still, I learned a lot in the past month with audio and video.


I finished few courses related to Big data and Business Analytics since I feel a strong need for me to improve data analytics skills. Hopefully, I can finish both specializations before late September.


Order of man — How a man markets himself

  • Though it is talking about man, but I do believe it is the same thing with girls. Learn to market oneself is definitely an essential skills for everyone not only in your professional side but also in daily life.

Order of man — The path of most resistance

  • The path of most resistance. It’s a term you’re not likely to hear. The term we typically use is the path of least resistance. And, I understand why. It’s natural that we, as human beings, look for efficiencies, shortcuts, and the easiest path. There’s merit to the path of least resistance. We shouldn’t make things hard just for them being hard. Or, should we? Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of times when it would be in our best interest to pursue the path of most resistance.

Order of man — Fixing your marriage by fixing yourself

  • This episode really give me a strong sense of self-awareness and self-improvement. Here are some sentences that I would like to share. And probably later I will write a blog specially for this.
  • We can not control and manipulate other people doing and thinking, and how they behave and action they take and what they think. But we can influence them! And we influence them by becoming more influential.
  • She know how to take care of herself, I know how to take myself, I am strong, she is strong, we all strong independently, we are stronger together.


What I wrote

What I am planning

August will be my late month here in Bulgaria, and I will cherish everyday that I spend here. Late August, I will fly back to States to begin my Watson 2018 Fall Incubator as a China Fellowship Scholar. I am really looking forward with this opportunities since I already waited for the chance for two years since the first day I get to know Watson. It will be held in Boulder, Colorado.

AIESEC, will be largest part of my life of the following few months, I will try my best to working remotely, and I know it will be very challenging but in the same time very exciting.

For the last two weekends in Bulgaria, I plan to take two short trips to two cities in Bulgaria: Veliko Turnovo (Old Capital of Bulgaria )and Koprivshtitsa (Small but nice one). Some of other international interns plan to go to Greece but since I only have single entry so unfortunately I can not go with time. But on the other hands, I have more chances to see this country!

July is a ordinary month, but in another sense, also a unusual month for me, many things happened and there are some changes about my mental settings and motional management. Hopefully, things will become better and better in the August and all the best to the people that I care.

Monthly Soul Sentence.

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes. — Hannah Arendt

My name is Meiling, a marketing master student at NYU. I am during my Gap Year and write reflections and business related inspiration.

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Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China