Long days| Daily Digest 8th May

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

300 words everyday. let’s first see what will happen one month later.

Things have been changed recently, and I don’t know it is heading towards a more positive direction or an even worse black hole. I have no idea but fears.

Life should have become easier after finals, (though one of my friends said I never am in a situation that others have during final), rather than spend more time on hanging out with friends, I still spend most my time at library and Washington square. I am not mean that it is a bad thing to stay at the library, just feel there are fewer and fewer can cheer me up. Or in another word, as people getting older, it is more difficult for people to satisfy themselves. That might because people experience more and they must have experienced a certain degree of happiness that lighten their life. Those triggers might be a tasty ice cream, a high-quality conference, an unforgettable travel story or etc.

So when those triggers disappear, it is very hard for one to step back to their original life and continue as they never had those experience and feelings. That’s also why adults begin to admire kids when they realize they are not kids anymore.

Of course, I still believe there must be something more interesting and worth expect. If we admit we have found the happiest life now, then the rest of our life will be meaningless.

You won’t be disappointed if you never had an expectation.

Sherlock told Watson: You are addicted to a certain lifestyle when Watson was shocked by her wife who actually an agent before. Plus his so-called best friend Sherlock is self-identified as a high functioning psychopath.

We all addicted to a certain lifestyle and we all live with it no matter it looks good or bad. I was always wondering what are people thinking when they live in every day of their life. Born, grow up, spend their life on working and die. Will there be any different? If I do not exit or if I become someone else and doing something different.

No one can actually give answers and no one can help in others life. There is only you, in your own world.

Stay real!

Word count:365.

Find more of my stories here !

By the way, 👏🏻 *clap* 👏🏻 your hands (up to 50x) if you enjoyed this post. It encourages me to keep daily writing and help other people finding it :)



Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China