May 2018 — Heaven and Hell. | Review Notes

Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2018

It has been an overwhelming month, again.

I was always wondering, it this the feeling of growing up? Or am I going extra mile than others? Of course, I am an ordinary people and I only live once so I am not experiential on growing up, so I assume everything happens now have to happen, and it is always the right time to have them.

Putting yourself into an emotional controllable situation is very hard and I believe emotional management is the lesson that we need to spend our whole life to learn and practice, especially when you lost someone emotionally or physically. Negative emotion will be easy to take over your life, and how you overcome it make you a better person.

By the way, today is already 12th June, and this is the first time I delay so long to finish the monthly review. Hope I can try to recall the memory from last month.


Life is pretty dramatically changed since I finished my second semester and spend around two weeks without doing anything related to work and study. Purely having fun with friends and thinking nothing really slows me down. This is not the usual life pace I have and some times I doubted that whether I was doing the right thing.

I also find out I have strong need with relationships for a long time but I just did not realize. The reason might be I have not met the right person or I might focus too much on career or personal development rather than taking care of my emotional needs. Also because of this, I encountered huge problems in the past six months and I do not want to face it again so I decide to put more effort on emotional needs of myself rather than thinking making others’ happy is my duty.

And I attended 2018 convocation for student in Teachers College, Columbia University. It was amazing and it was happy to see that many of my friends are graduating and will begin their new adventure with love and blesses from their family and friend.


As before, AGW is the only internship I took during these months and finally it goes to end this month as planned. As a Data analytics and reporting assistant intern, my main job is making monthly, quoter report and specific campaign report for clients so that they will know whether the cost is efficient and using different metrics to measure the outcomes. This is kind of the first data related internship I had after being in the US. And I do have some feeling with the difference between data and pure marketing job. It is hard to say which one I like though since data is kind of boring when you get along with them for a while. But the start part is really interesting since you are gaining new hard skills. Pure Marketing is kind of in an opposite way, with more communications.

I was decided I am going to do pure marketing but after this internship and my personal situation, I might give myself some time to rethink which direction I am going and what specific skills I need to obtain in order to achieve it. Maybe this requires me to take more online courses related to coding.

What I wrote

What I read

What I am planning

I back to China since 29th will be staying home for around 10 days and will officially begin my Gap Year. The first stop will be Bulgaria with a Tech Consultancy Company.

I planned to write an article about the year both in English and Chinese but it already 2 months passed after I had this idea. Hopefully, I can make it in June.

A new camera becomes my new toy and I will try to catch and memorize more moments in life by using the camera. Since once you start to focus on small things in your life, many tiny but important feelings and magic moments just pop up constantly that can make your day.

All the best to you Suzy, my closest friend ever. I cherish every seconds we had I hope you all the best in the future.

Monthly Soul Sentence.

You are in control. —Mahatma Gandhi

Find more of my stories here !

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Meiling Wu
Next Thoughts

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China