— Development Update

Community manager
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2021

We’re only a week into 2021, and things are already about to get exciting! In this development update, we’ll talk about all the recent changes and what’s in store next; here are the main highlights since our last update:

  • The wallet lock issue has been resolved
  • Balance not updating before page refresh resolved
  • Improved page loading speed
  • Added loading indicators at wallet & markets page
  • Transferring balance using the max button no longer gives an insufficient balance error
  • Added transaction ID and confirmations on main <-> trade transactions
  • Failing transactions are now canceled automatically after 4 hours
  • Orderbook token pair cancelation fix
  • Added USDT to the wallet
  • Added XEP to the wallet, soon trading

Wallet Lock

It was arguably one of the most frustrating issues we encountered, as a user, you transfer funds from your main to trade account, but our security system ends up locking your wallet. Even though we’re delighted our security is cautious on suspicious transactions, wallet locks should not happen. We’ve tracked down the issue and applied a fix.

Loading Speed

A few sections on our website have been loading slow, and some even went up to 12 seconds a page. We’ve brought this down to 4,5 seconds but still feel improvements can be made and continued in later updates.

Loading Indicators

Upon entering your wallet or market page, [No data] would show while loading was going on in the background. To avoid confusion and provide a better experience, we’re now giving loading indicators showing our users.

Insufficient balance error transferring “max”

We instantly lowered the fee of our transactions on community request; we ended up messing up some calculations in the background. This resulted in transactions giving the user an insufficient balance error, locking the wallet. We’ve located the issue and applied a fix.

Locked transaction auto cancel

If a transaction is not processed correctly, your wallet will remain locked, requiring our customer support to cancel the transaction and unlock the wallet. There are now several checks in place, which automatically canceling the transaction and unlocking the wallet.

Orderbook token pair cancelation fix

In some cases, buy orders on the payt/next pair would not pass our security check and be canceled immediately. We’ve located the issue and applied a fix; with that, we’ve reenabled PAYT trading and added USDT trading!

Transaction ID and confirmations

Upon transferring funds between your main and trade account, a loading indicator would show, locking the wallet until the transaction was confirmed on-chain. We’re now showing users what they are waiting for by providing the transaction ID and showing the number of confirmations. Although this additional transaction takes time to process, it allows for individual user wallets, adding a security layer, and eventually, users will be able to hold the private key of their funds.

We’re confident that with this update, we’ve solved all issues that required our attention before we can start new project listings and with that adoption of our exchange. If no further issues arise in the coming days, our community can expect asset listings to ramp up. We thank our community again for helping us find these issues and for their patience during the holidays.

