Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021

-- Update

Another week, time for a quick look at the progress made. Here are some of this weeks highlights:

  • Trading fee integration
  • Enchanced darkmode
  • Project listings
  • A lot of bug fixes
  • Giveaways

Fee integration is live

Last week we announced that trading fee integration was in our staging environment. We’ve made a few small changes since, and it has now been deployed to the live version of our exchange. As stated in our earlier update, there aren’t many cases in which users are happy with fee integrations. However, for NEXT holders this is an amazing step towards gaining underlying value for their NEXT.coin as fees accumulated minus operating costs will be redistributed to NEXT holders.

Enhanced dark mode

At our 2.0 launch, dark mode has been introduced. With several bugs found with the help of our community members we now have had the opportunity to improve upon. The new version of dark mode is now at production for everyone to use. We’re still aware that several minor tweaks will be necessary, but all the issues that might prevent users from using dark mode have been fixed.

Several new projects have been welcomed to our exchange

This week has been packed with action as we welcome several new projects to our exchange. At the start of the week we’ve enabled XEP trading on our platform. XEP is currently having a successful presale at our exchange. For information about XEP you can read all about it in our released article.

A lot of bugfixes

With an increase in users using our exchange, we’re getting an increased amount of bug reports. We’re very proud of how well things are going, and our team has been able to fix bugs found within a matter of hours and most user tickets have been solved within 24 hours. Some fixes include, but not limited to: Confirmation not being processed correctly, blockchain fee calculation now dynamic which results in faster transactions, wallet address not being created upon first trade has been fixed.


This week has been great when it comes to giveaways, as we’re celebrating the launch of our exchange. Earlier this week we’ve had 2 lucky users receiving 1000 NEXT for their comment in the Coingecko & CoinMarketCap relisting announcement. Right now there are 2 open giveaways pending: 10.000 followers giveaway & BTC monthly close guess giveaway. Make sure to enter these competitions and perhaps you’re the lucky one!

We’re looking forward to the week ahead. We’re currently preparing a short, easy to understand document with the benefits of, NEXT.coin and NEXT.chain. We’re confident that this document will excite users new to our platform for our entire ecosystem. To be continued!

