7 Major Google Algorithm Updates

Hey there! Today we will know about 7 major Google algorithm updates. If you want to be an SEO Expert, you have a good idea about Google algorithm updates. First of all, we have to know what is Google algorithm? Okay, let us start…

What is the Google Algorithm?

Google’s algorithm is a complex system which used to retrieve data from its search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query. The search engine uses a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking signals to deliver webpages ranked by relevance on its search engine results pages (SERPs). In its early years, Google only made a handful of updates to its algorithms. But now, Google makes thousands of changes every year.

Google Algorithm | NextGen Blog

7 major Google algorithm updates:

Okay, Let me start step by step 7 major Google algorithm updates.

#01. Panda:

The main goal of Google Panda was to identify Duplicate, plagiarized or thin content; user-generated spam; keyword stuffing.

Google Panda | NextGen Blog

It was a filter rather than a part of Google’s core algorithm. It is an algorithm used to assign a content quality score to webpages and down-rank sites with low-quality, spammy, or thin content.

Launched In: Feb 23, 2011
Rollouts: ~monthly
Goal: De-rank sites with low-quality content

#02. Penguin:

The main aims of Google Penguin are to identify and down-rank sites with unnatural link profiles, deemed to be spamming the search results by using manipulative link tactics.

Google Penguin | NextGen Blog

Launched In: April 24, 2012
Rollouts: May 25, 2012; Oct 5, 2012; May 22, 2013; Oct 4, 2013; Oct 17, 2014; September 27, 2016; October 6, 2016; real-time since
Goal: De-rank sites with spammy, manipulative link profiles

#03. Hummingbird:

It was another important major algorithm change that has to do with interpreting search queries, (particularly longer, conversational searches) and providing search results that match searcher intent, rather than individual keywords within the query.

Google Hummingbird | Nextgen Blog

Launched In: August 22, 2013
Rollouts: —
Goal: Produce more relevant search results by better understanding the meaning behind queries

#04. Pigeon:

Google Pigeon strongly altered the results Google returns for queries in which the searcher’s location plays a part.

Google Pigeon | NextGen Blog

Launched In: July 24, 2014 (US)
Rollouts: December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia)
Goal: Provide high quality, relevant local search results

#05. Mobile Geddon:

Mobile Geddon or Google’s Mobile Friendly Update is to ensure that pages optimized for mobile devices rank at the top of mobile search, and subsequently, down-rank pages that are not mobile friendly. But desktop searches have not been affected by the update.

Google Mobile Geddon | Nextgen Blog

Launched In: April 21, 2015
Rollouts: —
Goal: Give mobile-friendly pages a ranking boost in mobile SERPs, and de-rank pages that aren’t optimized for mobile

#06. Rank Brain:

Google Rank Brain was a machine learning system that helps Google for better decipher the meaning behind queries, and serve best-matching search results in response to those queries.

Google Rank Brain | NextGen Blog

Launched In: October 26, 2015 (possibly earlier)
Rollouts: —
Goal: Deliver better search results based on relevance & machine learning

#07. Google Fred:

Google Fred got its name from Google’s Gary Illyes, who jokingly suggested that all updates be named “Fred”.

Google Fred | NextGen Blog

Launched In: March 8, 2017
Rollouts: —
Goal: Filter out low-quality search results whose sole purpose is generating ad and affiliate revenue

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