3 Home Office Decor Tips to Keep You Focused

Create a home office that’ll inspire you

3 min readApr 24, 2021


Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels

It’s often hard to stay focused when working from home but small decor choices can really go a long way when it comes to your concentration. From the right chair that’ll keep you comfortable but proactive to the environment you’re surrounded by. Ensuring that your environment has a positive and productive effect on you can drastically change your outlook and efficiency when it comes to doing work.

Stay comfortable with a long home desk

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

When working from home one of the biggest turn-offs is to feel as though you’re cramped, and the quickest way to this is to choose a small desk. You could always go with a regular-sized desk, but hear us out about a long home desk? It’ll instantly add a breath of air to your desk, with the increase in desk space everything can be spaced out more evenly; from notebooks, monitors and devices our desk can get loaded up and look clutter very easily so you want to choose a desk that can balance this out. Having space to work is often overlooked but it’s a little change that can increase your focus level exponentially.

Mood boards that inspire

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Moodboards are a great way to help you focus visually, as they are often within our line of sight when working at our desks, it can be a visual reminder of our tasks and goals for the day. It’s a great way to add images that inspire you and a smart place to place notes where you can easily see them, allowing you to not forget about them. You can get multiple types of mood boards made out of different materials, so you’ll be able to easily find one that can match your home office decor; if you’re feeling a bit creative you could always try making your own from scratch.

A comfortable but stylish chair

Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels

One of the trickiest decor choices when designing a home office is choosing the right chair, from questions such as if it matches my interior? Is it comfortable enough? Is it too comfortable that I won’t be able to concentrate? Choosing the right chair can be daunting but we suggest going with an ergonomic chair that’s both stylish and comfortable. Choosing the right chair can drastically increase your concentration, you’ll be relaxed enough to focus on work but not too relaxed that you’ll end up falling asleep from all the emails.

What a home office should be

Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Working from home in your home office shouldn’t feel like an arduous task, your office should make you feel both comfortable and inspired. By taking into consideration small decisions such as your desk, chair and mood boards you can transform your office experience into an efficient and enjoyable one.




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