3 Home Office Trends To Keep You Motivated

Design an office you can feel at home in

4 min readApr 9, 2021


Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels

After the year we’ve had with working from home we’ve seen a revolution in how the home office has developed. Our perspective on how we view home offices as well as how we go about designing the interior decor to create an environment we can thrive in has changed drastically. A great way to start designing your home office is to take inspiration from interior design trends and different workspaces; you should pick and choose to create your own unique home office style made just for you.

Learn from the Start-Up

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

The start-up trend is based around the laptop, through the use of laptops people have been able to turn any space into an office; from a cafe to a train seat. The reason for this is, in today’s world most files are stored digitally leaving no need for having tons of storage; do you need a desk? Do you need a chair? We say no, the beauty of the start-up trend is that you can create your office however you want; some people might not even realise it’s a home office, and that the beauty in it. You’ll be creating a space that you can relax and focus in, not having to worry about the constraints of making it look like an office, mundane and restrictive. Our go-to is to get a work table, this gives you the option to work on all sides of the desk, creating a cafe-style feel; you could also go with a beanbag… the choice is yours!

The minimalist is always clutter-free

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

‘The Minimalist’ is all about minimalism, the main aim of this trend is to keep your desk clutter-free; this can be hard to achieve especially within a home office, but if you declutter your desk regularly and only keep the essentials you’ll be on your way. Adding simple furniture and keeping a neutral colour palette is the DNA behind this trend; if this is too bland for your tastes you could also add a plant, a sculpture, or a few paintings. We adore this trend if having a clear space doesn’t help you keep a clear mind and feel inspired to work… we don’t know what will.

Want to conceal your clutter?

Photo by Cats Coming from Pexels

We love a clutter-free home office environment, but if clutter fuels your creativity we’ve got the perfect trend for you. Concealed curtains are a trend that allows you to conceal your clutter when you want, and reveal it when you want. This trend is for those that have shelves cluttered with books, work papers, and all those bits and bobs. The curtain acts as it would for a window, you close the curtain and it provides you with a minimalist look that softens the room and when you open the curtains it shows you that clutter that fuels your creativity. This can also be used as a way to separate your office hours from your personal hours within your home office, the curtain acts as a sort of boundary that controls the mood within the room. We suggest you go with a warm neutral colour for your curtain but there’s no rule against other colour types.

Our final tips to creating your home office

It’s easy to get caught up in the look of your home office, but remember that the main objective is to create an office you can feel most comfortable doing work in. The main furniture pieces we recommend to take special care of when choosing is your chair, desk and shelving:

  • We recommend getting an office chair that is ergonomic so that you feel comfortable throughout the day
  • A nice desk serves as a great foundation to begin your work and can often be used as a focal piece to tie together the office decor
  • Shelving is a key component as it can be the deciding factor that leads your home office to look clean and fresh or messy and unorganised




Interior Design Blog by NextIn. A curated blog that’s full of informative interior design trends and inspiration for your home.