Art Trends To Consider For Your Bedroom

Add Some Creativity To Your Home

3 min readMay 2, 2021


Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Wall art can be compared to adding icing to a delicious cake, it helps to top off the room and add the necessary finishing touches that’ll tie everything together.

Oversized Art

Photo by Emma Pollard from Pexels

When looking for art for our home we often opt for multiple art pieces to create an art gallery of some sort but this trend reminds us not to underestimate the power of a single art piece. Rather than collecting art framed pieces, we believe an oversized print or canvas can be used as a great focal piece for your bedroom. The placement of these oversized pieces within the bedroom can be entirely up to you but our suggestion is to have it placed in the centre of the wall above your bed, this will not only create a focal point on this part of the bedroom but also help to tie in the whole room as well. Oversized art can fit into any decor style due to the vast amount of artwork there is to choose from, and the outcome that this trend can have on your room is a refined and unclutter look that’s modern yet unique.

The Gallery Shelf

Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy from Pexels

The gallery shelf is a great way to display and draw attention to your favourite images and art pieces, although more low key than a floor to the ceiling gallery wall and limited to the size of the shelf; a single floating shelf can be the perfect place to set your art pieces. The gallery shelf is a unique way to present your art pieces and it’s a trend that is often overlooked but in 2021 it’s taking its stride as people become more open and creative with their bedroom decor. The gallery shelf presents itself as a modern, simple and sleek decor choice for your home.

Abstract Wall Art

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Abstract wall art is an ongoing trend that has been popular for a couple of years and doesn’t show any signs of stopping anytime soon, preferably used in a range from 1–5 art pieces; it’s entirely up to you to decide how many you use in your home decor. Abstract wall art is best suited to round out your bedroom’s colour palette rather than to display a specific image, that’s not to say not to choose an abstract art piece you don’t like. Abstract art can be an amazing way of tying in shades of white, grey, greige, and black to make everything in your bedroom feel cohesive in the space.




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