Inspiring Kitchen Ideas For 2021

Start Your Transforming Your Kitchen Today

2 min readApr 30, 2021


Photo by Saviesa Home from Pexels

Kitchens often function as the heart of the home, it’s a multipurpose social hub where family and friends can gather; from cooking, having meals, and socialising. The kitchen can be hard to get right if you’re having trouble designing your dream kitchen or just feel like making subtle changes, we’re here to help.

Statement Appliance

Photo by Chastity Cortijo on Unsplash

Statement appliance as a gorgeous focal point for your kitchen while also providing the usual functionality. Think carefully when deciding on what stove and hood combo you’ll want in your decor, choose one that’ll stand out while fitting in with the interior style. Think about a drop-dead gorgeous fridge, toaster, and kettle combo that’ll complement the space, and a subtle note of luxury to your kitchen decor.

Rethink Your Backsplash

Photo by Houzlook .com from Pexels

Backsplashes were a hot trend in 2020 and they’re continuing in 2021, but it’s time to acknowledge that backsplashes aren’t just limited to tile. We love tile, everyone loves tile, It’s the go-to backsplash choice; we’re here to tell you there are other materials that can look just as good if not better! We suggest going for wooden backsplashes, wood comes in a range of colours, types and can provide a textured and cosy wall covering for your backsplash.

Think About The Layout

Photo by Watermark Designs on Unsplash

The layout is one of the most important aspects of your kitchen and it’s all about the flow. A great kitchen has a perfect flow between the refrigerator, cooking top, and sink. Aside from the basic 3, you want to focus on the most utilised items in the kitchen and this can vary from person to person so take your time and think about what parts of the kitchen matter the most to you, take into consideration both your needs and wants for maximum results.




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