Nextjs + Frontend web

Update About the Nextjs Publication ( Move nextjs to frontend web )

The future of nextjs publication

Rajdeep Singh
Published in
Sent as a


Mar 21, 2023


Hi, My name is Rajdeep Singh. I’m the current maintainer of the nextjs publication. I am running two publications in medium one is nextjs, and the second is frontend web.
Managing two publications is difficult, so I merged the nextjs publication with the frontend web.
For the future, I’m more focused on growing the Frontend web as an open-source community.
Please understand my problem and situation. Please leave the publication.

If you like my article, then follow me on the frontend web. I’m sorry about that.

Thank You
Rajdeep Singh.



Rajdeep Singh

JavaScript | TypeScript | Reactjs | Nextjs | Rust | Biotechnology | Bioinformatic | Frontend Developer | Author |