NextPakk Community Update - July 2018

Chris Tannahill
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2018

Monthly Community Update #2 - PAKKed with exciting news & updates.

Global Partners, Private Pledges, Our Pakk & 100k PAKKA People!

The time has come. The Pakk-Age is upon us. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain news is starting to take a positive turn. Bitcoin appears to have found its new floor around the $6,000 US mark, finally allowing Alts to take a much needed breath after months of bearish price momentum throughout the ecosystem.

This wave of bullish sentiment has been clearly present in NextPakk’s recent developments. We’re seeing strong community engagement and enthusiasm across all of our social platforms , and we’ve fired up our Private Sale in style.

When we first decided to commence Our Pakk AMAs on our NextPakk YouTube Channel, we had less than 1,000 subscribers on our channel and we were unsure if we would see the community engagement we were hoping for during our livestreams. It is safe to say we underestimated our passionate community members and the healthy impact of a bullish Bitcoin. Our YouTube videos and livestreams that aired throughout July have now received over 1,000 views each, with the NextPakk Explainer Video way out in front, receiving over 6,200 views. We also now have over 20,000 subscriber, and our AMAs continue to see increasing engagement.

You can join us here, for Our Pakk AMA Episode 3, going live at 13:30 UTC on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. Thanks to everyone taking part in these!

With the increase in subscribers on our YouTube we’ve decided we want to share some more new content to keep our audience entertained. We’ll be unveiling a segment known as Open Pakk throughout August. This will involve our team creating Q&A videos with our partners and other unique blockchain startups in the industry. The first Open Pakk Q&A episode will be announced very soon.

Amidst the hype the whole crypto-community has seen lately we almost let an astounding milestone pass us by, unannounced. We’re extremely proud to say we now have over 100,000 people signed up to be the initial users of our NextPakk Blockchain Logistics platform. If you’re not among them, it’s not too late to get involved. All you need to do is head over to our website and signup.

Among these many users we have found a number of highly interested members who have joined our list of Private Sale PAKKA Pledgers*. A progress bar is now visible on our homepage to display the USD value of PAKKA tokens that are currently reserved for these participants.

Throughout July our list of international NextPakk communities has continued to grow, as we see increased demand for our PAKKA and our NextPakk platform all around the world. Russia is the latest to join the club:
NextPakk Indonesia
NextPakk Korea
NextPakk Russia
NextPakk Spanish
Our Ambassador, Nikita has offered to help us reach the Russian community not only on Telegram, but also across 10 prominent business groups he has partnered us with on the VK Social Media Platform, with a combined following of over 2 Million Russian members now able to see NextPakk content in the Russian language. We are extremely impressed with Nikita’s efforts, and we look look forward to a strong ongoing partnership.

All of this just about sums up what has been an epic month for us at NextPakk throughout July, but if it’s still not enough to satisfy your “Pakk-Itch”, here are some of our additional community stats:

So what’s Next for the Pakk?

In August we Trust!

  • The NextPakk Public Pre-Sale officially kicks off on August 1st. This will run from August 1st to 31st, unless sold out sooner, and will be followed by the main ICO in September. Get White-Listed Here
  • Open Pakk Q&As are set to hit the air on our YouTube Channel.
  • We will continue our search for the right people to help us build a NextPakk Telegram Community for Japan and Vietnam, and are looking to recruit moderators for each.
  • We will be holding fortnightly Our Pakk AMAs.
  • We will continue to be featured on This Strange Life’s Podcast.
  • Our Founder, Lowell will be involved in AMA sessions with as many as three prominent blockchain community groups.
  • We will be releasing details of exclusive rewards programs for our international communities.
  • We may also be featured in a popular cryptocurrency publication at the end of August


NextPakk Website












Chris Tannahill

Writer | Pokémon Master | Founder & CEO @ Luna Cards 🎴