Climate Action Strategies for Digital Products

Florian Grote
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2021

As the effects of the climate crisis become more and more apparent, companies are starting to internalize the need for action on a much broader scale than before. However, the main focus of strategies for sustainability in product development has been on physical products. This makes sense, of course, as the development of physical products typically has a much larger footprint on the environment compared with pure software-based products.

Nevertheless, the impact software product development and usage has on the environment is not to be underestimated, either. Software requires large-scale physical infrastructure to be used, so it is more adequate to speak of “digital” rather than “software” products. Also, it is often popular software products — such as social media platforms — which have the most profound impact on how people behave. With behavior and habit change being one of the major components in addressing the human-made causes of the climate crisis, digital product development must be enabled to take measures and live up to its responsibility.

The playing field.

The goal of the Climate Action Strategies for Digital Products is to inspire strategies for action that can be part of product development decisions. They are available as a Miro board with a virtual card deck which you are free to copy and work with. To give it a try, use it as a game with your team. I would be delighted to get feedback on which cards inspired you to think differently about your product, and maybe you have new ideas for cards that should be added.

Access the board here, then make a copy for yourself:

