Managing the risks of rogue employees

Sercan Okur
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2022

Managing the risks of rogue employees is an essential part of running a successful business. Rogue employees can cause a lot of damage, not only to their own company but also to the wider community. Because of this, it is important to be aware of the warning signs that may indicate a rogue employee is working for your organization.

Rogue employees can cause damage to a company by stealing confidential information, sabotaging the organization, or deliberately creating problems for the team. These employees also pose a threat to the wider business community. They may use their positions as power brokers to cause huge damage to other companies and organizations they work with. A company’s employees are one of its most important assets, without loyal and reliable workers, a business will not be able to succeed. Therefore, it is important that employees are satisfied with their working conditions. It is also important to train them effectively to ensure that they understand the company’s policies.

If a company does not have an influential safety culture, it may attract rogue employees. A culture of safety ensures the safety of all employees and protects them from harm. It prevents accidents and ensures that employees are well-trained and educated on safety standards in the workplace. Furthermore, a culture of safety promotes open communication among employees and management and prevents issues of conflict from arising. however, different kinds of rogue employees exist out there and these safety cultures might not be enough for all types of employees such as:

1. Negligent employees:

These workers disregard policies and procedures. They share sensitive information in emails, leave down client lists or private presentations on whiteboards in conference rooms, they leave company laptops, phones, or documents on public transportation. or they might even leave their login information and passwords on sticky notes stuck to their computer monitors.

Unintentional rogue behaviors are more frequent than intentional ones and are unpredictable, hard to plan for, and consequently, cause a larger risk. Specifically, the fact that former employees frequently still have access to “confidential” or “highly sensitive” information belonging to their former firm is concerning.

2. Ambitious, resourceful, and independent individuals:

These workers put a lot of effort into finding loopholes in the policies. They are exceptionally harmful to an organization because they are so capable and resourceful. They are brilliant, crafty, and driven.

3. Disgruntled employees/revenge-seekers:

They are enraged and want to ruin the business. When they leave or are fired, they could steal confidential information and leak it or harm the company by getting in touch with suppliers, shareholders, authorities, or regulators, among other people.

4. Employees with mental health issues:

According to a study by Business in the Community (UK), 66 percent of workers in the financial services sector had a mental health condition as a result of their jobs in the previous year. in a person’s lifetime, one in four persons will experience mental health problems of some form.

These workers have the potential to hurt their organizations, their coworkers, and themselves.

How to prevent or mitigate harm from rogue employees:

  • Make sure all employees are required to conduct background checks before they begin working for your organization.
  • Implement regular and routine monitoring, training, and feedback to ensure that employees are aware of the importance of maintaining the integrity of the company and that ethical behavior is expected of everyone in the organization.
  • Establish and maintain clear communication channels to ensure employees have easy access to the appropriate levels of management when they are experiencing problems or concerns at work.
  • Empower employees to report concerns to management, including anonymously, without fear of retribution.
  • Communicate to employees that management is serious about ethical behavior and will hold all individuals accountable for their actions.
  • outline the consequences of misconduct or inappropriate behavior for the company and the individual.
  • make sure employees are treated with respect and dignity when they raise a concern or report an incident involving wrongdoing.

A good cyber security solution is also needed to prevent such data leakage, some employees might not have access to some sensitive data but they have the ability to hack through it easily as they will not be facing a firewall or any form of external security solutions. therefore, a reliable internal security solution is needed to detect any form of internal threats.

In addition, employers should make sure their employees are trained in security principles. For example, employees should be taught not to click on suspicious links in emails or social media posts because attachments in these emails may contain malware or other malicious files that could infect the company’s network. However, this doesn’t mean that every employee who receives such a request will intentionally abuse it. Employers should also train their employees on how to properly use and protect sensitive information. For example, all employees should be taught the importance of using strong passwords to protect their accounts and prevent unauthorized users from accessing their data. Moreover, they should always log out of their accounts and shut down their computers when they are away from work in case they are victims of identity theft.

Employers should also train employees on how to protect their devices. They should also be instructed to avoid connecting their devices to the company’s network without authorization because it could allow hackers to gain access to the network. If an employee suspects his device has been compromised, he should immediately notify his employer so that the problem can be resolved as soon as possible.

Employers should also implement policies for remote access, vendor management, and encryption. For instance, remote login should only be allowed for those who have a legitimate reason for doing so. Employees should also be prohibited from using third-party apps for business purposes because they could contain malicious software that could compromise the company’s data. In addition, all sensitive data should be encrypted before it is sent over the internet to prevent it from being stolen by cybercriminals, or the organization should have its own internal applications and software for sending data internally.

Finally, employers must evaluate their security infrastructure and look for ways to enhance it if necessary. One way to do this is by conducting penetration tests and risk assessments, which can help them identify weaknesses in their security infrastructure so that they can be fixed before hackers can exploit them.

