Making SocialPilot’s “Create Post” future-ready

Sonam Gandhi
Paperclip Design
Published in
2 min read2 days ago

As designers, our mission was to transform SocialPilot’s “Create Post” feature into a more accessible and future-ready tool. The initial design was hidden within navigation menus, limiting its usability and discoverability. It also lacked scalability, which conflicted with SocialPilot’s goal of becoming a comprehensive platform for all social media needs.

Addressing Accessibility

Recognizing the importance of the “Create Post” module, we brought it to the forefront by placing it prominently on the navigation bar. This ensured that it was always just a click away. We also retained its original position in the side navigation menu to maintain familiarity for existing users.

A Comprehensive Redesign: Introducing the Modal Solution

From a user experience perspective, we redesigned the “Create Post” feature to open in a modal instead of a new page. This redesign offered several benefits:

  • Improved Flexibility: Users can pause the post-creation process by minimizing the modal and resume later, similar to composing an email in Gmail.
  • Enhanced Multitasking: The modal design allows users to access it within other modules on the platform. For example, users can open the modal directly from the calendar to create a new post without navigating away.
  • Full-Screen Viewing: The modal can go full-screen, providing ample space for users to work on their posts.
  • Visual Previews: A preview panel was added to the modal, enabling users to see how their posts will look on different platforms before publishing.

Future-Ready Design

To support the goal of posting and managing content across all platforms, we introduced platform-specific tabs in the new design. Users can create generic content in the draft tab and then customize it for each platform, ensuring optimal presentation across all channels.


The redesign of the “Create Post” module has significantly improved its usability and accessibility. Users have appreciated the ease of use and the ability to manage their social media content more efficiently. This revamp not only resolves the immediate issues but also sets the foundation for future scalability and enhancements, making SocialPilot truly a single platform for all social media needs.

