Samsung CEO: First Foldable Phone Coming Soon

Amit Pandey
2 min readSep 5, 2018


Samsung is going to launch it’s first ever foldable smartphone and it can be as early as November 2018. While talking to CNBC Samsung’s mobile division CEO DJ Koh confirmed this news. Koh said that they can launch the foldable phone during the developer conference. It will take place in San Fransisco, Nov 7–8.

DJ KOH: “It will be usable when folded”

If Samsung manages to launch this foldable phone before 2019 they will become the first ever smartphone manufacturer to do that. Koh also went along and confirmed that the phone will be usable when folded, and the development process is almost done. He also added that Samsung is trying to differentiate the unfolded experience from that of a tabled.

Talking to CNBC, Koh said, “You can use most of the uses … on foldable status. But when you need to browse or see something, then you may need to unfold it. But even unfolded, what kind of benefit does that give compared to the tablet? If the unfolded experience is the same as the tablet, why would they (consumers) buy it?”


That is a valid question, the tablet market has been falling ever science it came out. People really don’t like tablets that much. If Samsung can make the unfolded experience different from that of a tablet then there is a strong chance that the folded phone will bring a new era in smartphone technology. Otherwise, it will also be another failed experiment by Samsung.

We know almost nothing about the specification of the phone but it will surely have a 7 inches plus screen.

Some rumours suggest that Huawei is trying to beat Samsung by launching a limited number of foldable phones in early 2019. Therefore if they still want to beat Samsung they must speed up their work.

What do you think about the folded phone? let us know in the comment section down below.

Originally published at Nextworm.

