Samsung Galaxy P: Ultrasonic Fingerprint sensor in display?

Amit Pandey
2 min readSep 15, 2018


Samsung has been continuously losing market share in the Chinese market. So much so that it recently hit its all-time low. From a 20% market share in 2013, it dipped below 1% in 2018. Therefore they recently made a promise of bringing back innovation in mid-tier phones.

At this point enters rumours of a new mid-range lineup, “Samsung P”. Samsung is reportedly working on this new midrange lineup. Also, it will be its first in-display ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, something really new to mid-range phones or even phones in general. Even more surprising is that they might launch this phone within next month. These leaks were brought in by MMDDJ (Phone Arena).

Samsung is also working on its next-generation flagship, the “S10”. Now there is a good chance that they might keep the ultrasonic fingerprint in-display sensor for the king. Therefore introducing an optical in-display sensor for the mid-tier phone.

Ultrasonic Fingerprint?

The ultrasonic fingerprint sensor uses an ultrasonic pulse and creates a highly detailed 3D reproduction of a scanned fingerprint.

The Scanner will consist of a transmitter and receiver which transmits and receives an ultrasonic pulse when the finger is placed over the sensor, and captures a detailed scan of fingerprint based on the pores, ridges and uniqueness of fingerprint and Creates a 3D image making it highly secure. Also, over a longer period of using more and more depth data of finger is captured and makes it completely unforgeable.

Where traditional fingerprint scanner use photographic sensors and creates a 2D scan of the fingerprint

We know very few about the new phones but the leaks seem quite reasonable. Also, the leeks go hand in hand with what Samsung mobile CEO DJ Koh said earlier this week. He recently said the company’s mid-range devices would begin to get new technology before even the flagship Galaxy S and Note phones.

We will keep updating you on any news on this new line-up.

Originally published at Nextworm.

