Decluttering Your Mind with the Natural Attitude

Embrace the beauty of each moment as it unfolds

Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles
7 min readApr 14, 2024


Messy room

Hi there, amazing DYNAMOS! Have you ever had the impression that your mind is a busy marketplace with numerous sellers fighting for your business and all of them shouting louder than the others? Clarity appears as elusive as a whisper in a storm and focusing feels like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands in this chaotic symphony. You are not alone if you have ever felt like you are drowning in your thoughts or are overpowered by their noise.

Concept of the Natural Attitude

In the realm of philosophy, there exists a notion called the “natural attitude” — a powerful tool for decluttering the mind. Rooted in the essence of direct experience, the natural attitude encourages us to embrace the present moment without the filters of judgment or analysis. It beckons us to immerse ourselves fully in the richness of our sensations, thoughts, and emotions, stripping away the layers of complexity that often cloud our perception. By adopting this approach, we can untangle the knots of overwhelmed and scattered thoughts, finding solace in the simplicity of pure experience. Just as a gentle breeze clears the fog, the natural attitude offers clarity and calm amidst the chaos of our minds.

What is the Natural Attitude?

Woman waterfall nature

The natural attitude is all about paying attention to what’s happening right now without adding any extra thoughts or opinions. It’s like observing things without getting tangled up in how you feel about them. Imagine you’re sitting by a window, and you hear the rain outside. Instead of thinking, “Ugh, this rain is annoying,” or “Wow, this rain is so peaceful,” you just notice the sound of the raindrops falling. You don’t attach any labels or judgments to it; you just listen to the sound as it is, without adding anything extra. In the natural attitude, you’re like a curious scientist observing the world around you without jumping to conclusions or making assumptions. You’re just fully present, experiencing things as they happen, without letting your thoughts get in the way.

Decluttering with the Natural Attitude

The natural attitude is like a broom for mental clutter, sweeping away worries, regrets, to-do lists, and overthinking. Let’s break down each type:

Worries: Worries are like pesky bugs buzzing around in your mind, distracting you from the present moment. In the natural attitude, you acknowledge worries without letting them take over. Instead of dwelling on “what ifs” or worst-case scenarios, you focus on what’s happening right now.

Regrets: Regrets are like anchors weighing you down, keeping you stuck in the past. The natural attitude helps you let go of regrets by accepting that what’s done is done and focusing on the present moment instead of dwelling on past mistakes.

To-Do Lists: To-do lists are like a never-ending mountain of tasks looming over you. In the natural attitude, you prioritize being present over constantly thinking about what needs to be done. You can still plan and organize, but you do so without letting your to-do list consume your thoughts.

Overthinking: Overthinking is like a hamster wheel that keeps spinning without getting anywhere. The natural attitude encourages you to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them. Instead of analyzing every little detail or overanalyzing situations, you simply let your thoughts come and go without getting attached to them.

Practicing a Natural Attitude in Daily Life

Woman butterflies

Using the natural attitude in daily life involves cultivating mindfulness, which is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Here’s how to incorporate it into your daily routine:

Mindfulness Meditation: Set aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness meditation. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of each inhale and exhale, without trying to control your breathing. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath. This trains your attention to stay in the present moment and reduces the tendency to get lost in thoughts.

Body Scan: Throughout the day, take moments to do a quick body scan. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to different parts of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. Notice any sensations you’re experiencing, whether it’s tension, warmth, or relaxation. This helps you connect with your body and become more attuned to its signals.

Sensory Awareness: Engage your senses by paying attention to the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you. When you’re walking outside, notice the colors of the sky, the rustling of leaves, or the feeling of the ground beneath your feet. When you’re eating, savor the flavors and textures of your food without rushing through your meal. This brings you into the present moment and enhances your appreciation of the world around you.

Major reaps of practicing the natural attitude and mindfulness include:

Busy people

Increased Awareness: By decluttering your mind and focusing on the present moment, you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns. This self-awareness allows you to better understand yourself and make conscious choices aligned with your values and goals.

Improved Focus: Mindfulness enhances your ability to concentrate and stay focused on tasks at hand. By training your attention to stay in the present moment, you reduce distractions and improve productivity.

Reduced Stress: Letting go of mental clutter and adopting a nonjudgmental attitude towards your experiences can help reduce stress and anxiety. Mindfulness practices promote relaxation and a sense of calm, even in the midst of challenging situations.

Greater Clarity: When your mind is free from clutter, you gain clarity of thought and perspective. You’re better able to see things as they are and make decisions with clarity and discernment.

Incorporating the natural attitude into your daily life through mindfulness practices can lead to profound self-discovery and overall well-being.

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Living the Natural Attitude

Living the natural attitude goes beyond meditation and can be applied in various aspects of daily life:

Daily Interactions: In your interactions with others, practice being fully present and attentive. Listen to what people are saying without interrupting or planning your response. Approach conversations with curiosity and openness, without judgment or preconceived notions. By being fully present in your interactions, you cultivate deeper connections and understanding with others.

Decision-Making: When faced with decisions, the natural attitude encourages you to tune into your intuition and inner wisdom. Instead of overthinking or analyzing every option, trust your gut instincts and make choices based on what feels right in the moment. By letting go of mental clutter and external pressures, you can make decisions that align with your values and intuition.

Appreciating Beauty in the Ordinary: The natural attitude invites you to appreciate the beauty and wonder of everyday life. Take time to notice the small joys and moments of beauty that surround you, whether it’s the colors of a sunset, the laughter of children playing, or the scent of freshly brewed coffee. By cultivating a sense of awe and gratitude for the ordinary moments, you can find joy and meaning in the simple pleasures of life.

Incorporating the natural attitude into daily interactions, decision-making, and appreciation of beauty in the ordinary allows you to live with greater presence, authenticity, and appreciation for the richness of life.


The natural attitude serves as a powerful tool for decluttering the mind and promoting self-discovery. By focusing on what is directly experienced in the present moment, without judgment or interpretation, you can sweep away mental clutter such as worries, regrets, to-do lists, and overthinking. Through mindfulness practices like meditation, body scans, and sensory awareness, you can train your attention to stay in the present moment, leading to increased awareness of thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns.

This heightened self-awareness enables you to make conscious choices aligned with your values and goals. Embracing the natural attitude in daily interactions, decision-making, and appreciation of beauty in the ordinary allows you to live with greater presence, authenticity, and appreciation for the richness of life. Remember, the power of present-moment awareness lies in its ability to free you from the shackles of the past and the worries of the future, allowing you to fully embrace the beauty and possibilities of each moment as it unfolds.



Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles

I'm a writer with a rich analytical expose, I provoke thought, inspire change leaving an indelible mark on the minds of my readers.