“From Innocence to Excellence: Ayesha’s Treasure Map”

This is a token of love to my daughter for her scholastic journey

Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles
5 min readJun 28, 2024


Dr. Ayesha Jameel with her Professor Dr. Zhiyong Zhu after receiving the Doctoral Degree

Over two decades seem to have passed in the blink of an eye, yet I still hold dear the moment when my daughter, Ayesha Jameel — affectionately called Ashi — showed me her report card. We lived in the quaint town of Kotterian, where every home was cradled by lush greenery, and small peaks, adorned with beautiful trees and forests, encircled us. Ashi was the kind of child whose eyes sparkled with curiosity and whose laughter resonated through the neighborhood like a sweet melody. She found delight in the simplest pleasures: chasing butterflies, constructing forts from earthen mud, and herding goats with the ease of a seasoned shepherd.

The day was special for Ashi when the school gave out report cards, and Ashi was excited. The report card was a mysterious treasure map to her, and she couldn’t wait to show it to me because I was his greatest fan and the best treasure hunter she knew. Clutching the report card in her little hands, Ashi burst through the front door of her home. “Abu (Dad)! Abu (Dad)! Look what I got!” she exclaimed, waving the piece of paper like a victorious flag. “It’s my report card! Madam Razia (teacher) told me it’s very important!” Ashi said, his voice bubbling with excitement.

I took the report card from Ashi’s hand and unfolded it. My eyes scanned the paper, my smile slowly started fading as I read the marks. Each subject had a big, red “F” beside it. My heart sank, but I masked my concern with a gentle smile. I knelt to be at eye level with my daughter. “It sounds like you had a wonderful achievement and a D-day, my love. But do you know what these marks on the paper mean?”

Ashi tilted her head, her brow furrowing in confusion. “No, Dad. But look! It’s covered in letters! I bet it’s like a secret code!” I hugged her tightly, my heart aching and swelling with love all at once. “You’re right, Ashi. It is like a secret code. And do you know what it tells me?”

Ashi’s eyes widened. “What, Dad? What does it tell you?”

“It tells me that you are curious and adventurous and that you have a lot of fun at school and equally in the neighborhood. It tells me that you are brave and creative, especially when you drew that model portraying the grazing goats. And it tells me that you have the most wonderful imagination,” my voice was soft and reassuring.

Ashi beamed, his chest puffing out with pride. “Dad? That’s what it says?”

“Yes, sweetheart. And it also tells me that we need to work a little harder on some things. But that’s okay, because learning is an adventure, and we are a great team, aren’t we?”

Ashi nodded vigorously. “The best team, Dad!”

Watching my daughter’s innocent joy, I realized that sometimes, success isn’t measured by grades or marks but by the happiness and enthusiasm in a child’s heart. I vowed to nurture that joy and guide her, knowing that with love and patience, Ashi would find her unique path to success.

With heartfelt gratitude to Allah (God), I am overjoyed to announce that my daughter, Ashi, has unfurled that secret code by achieving her doctoral degree in education from the prestigious Beijing Normal University, China. She is now proudly known as Dr. Ayesha Jameel. This incredible journey of hope and patience, which began over two decades ago on a day filled with curiosity and dreams, has come to fruition today. I thank Allah for guiding us and helping me find happiness in seeing my beloved child transform into a distinguished scholar. Yes, we together found the SECRET CODE as a Great Team.

The native village from where Ayesh’a journey of hope stated

On this remarkable day, June 28, 2024, Ayesha Jamil (Ashi) proudly received her Ph.D. degree from her esteemed Professor Dr. Zhiyong Zhu, Associate Dean for Partnership and Globalization College of Education and Professor in Sociology and Educational Administration at Beijing Normal University, China. He is a famed educationist of the People’s Republic of China, an internationally recognized educationist, and a former visiting scholar at the prestigious Stanford University, UK. From the moment he considered my daughter for the scholarship to his unwavering supervision of her doctoral studies over the past four years, Dr. Zhu’s contributions have been unparalleled. I am grateful to this exceptional professor for his invaluable role in decoding the SECRET CODE. Thank you, Professor Dr. Zhiyong Zhu. My sincere thanks also go to the Chinese government, the faculty at Beijing Normal University, and all the staff for their support in facilitating my daughter’s studies.

The bond between a father and his daughter is deep and unbreakable; it starts the moment the father holds his daughter’s small, vulnerable form in his arms. It’s a love marked by intense protectiveness, a strong desire to keep her safe from harm and encourage her in all she does. It is a love that grows with each shared laugh, every bedtime story, and the silent vows made to always be there, guiding her with wisdom and tenderness. A father’s love is both a steadfast anchor and a boundless sky, offering his daughter the security to be herself and the freedom to chase her dreams.

I pin my hopes on my daughter Ayesha Jameel to become the embodiment of my legacy, blending intellectual prowess with moral integrity. I envision her as the torchbearer of our family’s name, destined to advance through academic excellence and innovative contributions to her field. Beyond mere academics, I hope she evolves into a better and more progressive human being, achieving personal success while championing the cause of enlightenment, equity, and social justice. I see her blending wisdom with empathy, using her education to uplift others and inspire change. This dual role of preserving our legacy while forging new paths sets her apart, as she strives to leave an indelible mark on the world, reflecting both the values she has inherited and her visionary ideals.



Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles

I'm a writer with a rich analytical expose, I provoke thought, inspire change leaving an indelible mark on the minds of my readers.