The Unbreakable Thread!

Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2024
Touch of motherly hands

Oh, you sweet Mom, 15 years have flown, a wisp of time,

Yet still, dear Rakhmat Jan, your spirit climbs.

Within my heart, a tendril reaching strong,

A mother’s love in deathless, echoed song.

You were my compass, guiding hand so sure,

In life’s vast sea, a wisdom I secure.

Strength, patience, faith — a thread you wove,

Loyal and loving, a boundless gift of love.

No day goes by where memory doesn’t gleam,

A mother’s touch, a love that’s more than dream.

Your legacy, a flame that brightly burns,

In hearts you touched, a love that ever yearns.

Oh, blessed fate that you were mine to hold,

A mother’s worth, more precious than pure gold.

There’s only one beautiful child in the world and every mother has it. From the moment a child enters the world, they’re wrapped in this warm, nurturing embrace that whispers, “You are cherished, you are valued.” And what’s incredible is that this love isn’t exclusive to just one corner of the globe or one species; it’s a thread that weaves through the very fabric of existence, connecting mothers and their offspring across the vast earth. It’s like the universe’s way of reminding us of the incredible power of love in its purest form.

Mother child

Motherly love is revered as one of the highest forms of affection and devotion. The Holy Quran emphasizes the importance of honoring and respecting mothers, stating that paradise lies beneath their feet. Islamic teachings highlight the profound responsibility of mothers to nurture and raise children with compassion, patience, and wisdom. Prophet Muhammad exemplified deep reverence for mothers, proclaiming, “Heaven lies at the feet of mothers.” This perspective underscores the sacred bond between a mother and her child, emphasizing her pivotal role in shaping individuals and fostering a harmonious society grounded in love and respect.

Hey, the beautiful souls on the earth, have you ever thought about how much moms rule? From the second we’re born, they’re there scooping us up and showering us with love. It’s like this amazing, one-of-a-kind bond that’s different from anything else. This mom love isn’t just, you know, cuddles and cookies, although those are pretty awesome too. It’s a deep, down, completely accepting kind of love. It shapes who we are, how we treat others, and the whole way we experience love in our lives. This article reminds me, you, and all of us as how important this mom magic is, and how much it shapes everything about us.

The Source of Infinite Love

A mother’s love is likened to an infinite ocean, embracing us from the moment we enter the world. It embraces all our imperfections, like a gentle tide erasing our missteps. Amid life’s challenges, it stands firm as a beacon of guidance, leading us back to safety with its constant glow. This metaphorical portrayal captures the enduring and nurturing essence of maternal affection, illustrating how it provides solace, forgiveness, and direction throughout our journey. Just as the sea encompasses vastness and stability, so does a mother’s love envelop us with its unyielding support and care, shaping our lives with its profound influence?

The Pillar of Strength

She’s our ultimate source of comfort and backbone when life throws us a curveball. Just having her around can ease our worries and her words. They’re like magic, lifting us and pushing us forward. With a mom’s love, we feel safe and sound, knowing there’s always someone who’s got our back, and who believes in us no matter what. She’s our rock, our anchor, the one who’s always there to prop us up and cheer us on through thick and thin.

The Guiding Light and Mentor

You know, a mom isn’t just there to shower us with love; she’s like this guiding star in our lives. She’s our mentor, dishing out all sorts of wisdom, advice, and encouragement as we try to figure out this crazy world. Her life lessons, the stuff she values, and the things she teaches us — they all mold how we see things and help us become people with real backbone and honesty. And let’s not forget, a mom’s love gives us the guts to tackle tough stuff, to keep pushing when things get rough, and to hold onto our confidence even when everyone else seems to doubt us.

A Mother’s Unwavering Devotion

The strength of a mother’s love lies in her unwavering devotion. From the very beginning, her child’s well-being becomes her guiding star. Physical strains, emotional hurdles, and countless nights fade into the background as she nurtures her child’s health and happiness. A mother’s love compels her to prioritize her child’s needs above her own. Every act of selflessness is a testament to the boundless depth of her love, a love that fiercely protects and cherishes its precious charge.

A Lifelong Connection

The love between a mother and child is a thread woven throughout the life. It begins even before birth, a connection that transcends time and distance. As we grow, this thread never truly loosens. Even as we venture into the world, a mother’s love remains a guiding force, a constant source of support, and a wellspring of strength. It shapes who we are, influencing how we connect with others and navigate life’s triumphs and challenges.

A mother’s love is a gift beyond measure. It’s a love that knows no bounds, a safe harbor in life’s storms. From our first breath, a mother’s love becomes a cornerstone of our existence. It offers unwavering support, gentle guidance, and fierce affection. It molds our character, teaching valuable lessons and fostering a deep sense of belonging. Let us cherish this incredible bond, for a mother’s love is truly an irreplaceable treasure.

Dear valued wordsmiths and writers, every mother-child bond is unique. Describe a moment where a mother and child communicate a deep emotion or understanding without using words!



Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles

I'm a writer with a rich analytical expose, I provoke thought, inspire change leaving an indelible mark on the minds of my readers.