The Raised Spirits!

Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles
Published in
6 min readMay 18, 2024
Solitude contemplation

Hey there, fellow adventurers of life,

Have you at any point paused for a minute to see the value in the endless gifts dissipated all through our lives? Dear creative wordsmiths and readers of spiritual taste, this is your solicitation to a comfortable talk where we’ll wonder about the marvels of life’s little supernatural occurrences. These are the un-adulterated, wonderful gifts that make our excursion unique. All in all, would you say you are prepared to find the exceptional fortunes that life has coming up for us? Take a load off, settle in, and we should set out on this magnificent experience together!

Hey, the raised spirits, allow me to share the delightful embodiment of heavenly love that goes past our human comprehension. It’s not just about our brains or spirits directing us through life; it’s tied in with embracing the unending friendship of a sort of Maker who uncovers His affection through the valuable gifts dissipated along our way. Every dawn is a murmur of His delicate touch, each benevolent demonstration from an outsider mirrors His sympathy, and each upbeat second repeats His boundless elegance. These heavenly gifts aren’t simply happenstances; they’re love letters from the universe, endorsed with the heavenly mark of unqualified love. Thus, we should luxuriate in the glow of this heavenly friendship together, for in its hug, we track down solace, reason, and the genuine quintessence of being alive.

Creation waves

My closest companions, my heart grows with adoration for every one of you and humankind overall. As individual explorers on this excursion called life, we should pause for a minute to contemplate the superb murmurs of God (Allah), not from the perspective of strict convention, but rather to get a handle on His significant love for all individuals. These heavenly murmurs are not intended to partition or separate but to lift each spirit under the great plan of the universe. Thus, how about we put making peace at the forefront and philosophies, and submerge ourselves in the endless love that rises above all limits? In this common reflection, we track down solidarity, strength, and the genuine embodiment of our humankind. We should leave on this groundbreaking excursion together, holding nothing back from the murmurs of affection reverberating all through the universe.

Allah Almighty (God) Himself addresses directly to the entire humanity. The Holy Quran frequently features questions posed by Allah to encourage reflection and gratitude among humanity. These verses emphasize the countless blessings bestowed by Allah, which are beyond human ability to fully enumerate (Quran 16:18). Despite recognizing these blessings, many remain ungrateful (Quran 16:83). Allah honors humanity by providing for them and favoring them above many creations (Quran 17:70). He is all-knowing, subtle, and aware of all things (Quran 67:14), incomparable yet hearing and seeing everything (Quran 42:11). The Quran challenges people to acknowledge their dependence on Allah, highlighting their inability to act independently of His will, reinforcing that true allies are those who follow the divine guidance (Quran 7:195–196).


Unveiling your divine gifts is a beautiful way to discover your inherent talents and passions. It suggests these gifts are not just yours, but something special placed within you by a higher power. Consider what brings you joy, a sense of purpose, or a feeling of being in the flow. Quiet your mind and open yourself to receive insights from your inner self. Spend time in nature and see if inspiration strikes. Some find solace and clarity in the natural world.

Don’t be afraid to explore new things. Your divine gifts might lie dormant, waiting to be awakened. The more you nurture your gifts, the stronger they become. Use your gifts to uplift others and contribute to the world in a meaningful way. Your divine gifts are special to you, embrace what makes you different; Be thankful for the gifts you’ve been given and the journey of uncovering them; Discovering your divine gifts is a lifelong process so enjoy the exploration!

Have you ever felt a deep yearning for something more? A sense that you possess hidden talents waiting to be unleashed? We all carry within us a spark of the divine, unique gifts waiting to be discovered. This article will guide you on a transformative journey to unveil your “divine gifts” — the passions, talents, and purpose that set your soul ablaze. Imagine a life filled with meaning, where your contributions uplift both yourself and the world. Ready to embark on this exciting adventure of self-discovery? Dive in and learn how to awaken the divine gifts waiting to be unwrapped within you!

Sunset ocean

Envision the delicate stir of leaves in serene timberland, a delicate breeze conveying with it murmurs of old insight. In this peaceful setting, let us unwind the heavenly messages, every one a valuable jewel enlightening our way. Like a stream streaming unendingly, let sympathy wash over us, restricting our hearts in compassion and understanding. In each thoughtful gesture, in each hand reached out in help, we feel the hug of heavenly love. As the sun sets, painting the sky in shades of absolution, let us discharge the weights of hatred and outrage. For in absolution, we track down the opportunity, and in giving up, we embrace the immaculateness of our spirits. Like stars gleaming in the night sky, let appreciation enlighten our lives. In remembering our good fortune, of all shapes and sizes, we recognize the overflow of adoration that encompasses us, supporting our spirits with euphoria and satisfaction.

Indeed, as strong mountains standing tall, let us track down strength in difficulty. With each challenge we face, with each obstruction we survive, we find the repositories of fortitude inside us, engaged by the heavenly presence that guides us forward. Like strings winding around a texture of congruity, let us embrace the excellence of solidarity. In commending our variety, in valuing the uniqueness of every spirit, we perceive the interconnectedness that ties all of us as one family under the caring look of the heavenly.

Sparkle like a signal sparkling in the obscurity, let trust enlighten our haziest evenings. In the midst of depression, in snapshots of vulnerability, let us clutch the conviction that more splendid days are ahead, powered by the timeless fire of trust that glimmers inside our souls. Like roots securing a powerful tree, let confidence ground us in the conviction of heavenly fortune. In believing the concealed powers that guide our excursion, we find comfort in the information that we are never alone, supported in the caring arms of confidence.

Like a compass directing our direction, let reason steer our course throughout everyday life. In finding our actual calling, in adjusting our activities to our most profound yearnings, we open the potential inside us, satisfying our heavenly fate with deliberate purpose. Like an immortal tune reverberating until the end of time, let love be our directing light. In each word expressed with thoughtfulness, in each motion made with affection, we reflect the heavenly love that streams unendingly, restricting us together in the timeless dance of life.

Like a brilliant sunrise getting through obscurity, let edification enlighten our spirits. In looking for astuteness and truth, in embracing the excursion of self-revelation, we stir to the heavenly presence inside us, rising above the limits of our natural presence. In these heavenly messages, murmured by the universe, may we track down comfort, motivation, and direction on our excursion toward profound satisfaction and timeless ecstasy?



Muhammad JAMIL Khan
Nexus Chronicles

I'm a writer with a rich analytical expose, I provoke thought, inspire change leaving an indelible mark on the minds of my readers.