Nexus-backed Postman raises $50M Series B

Nexus Venture Partners
Conversation with Nexus


Today our partner company Postman announced their USD 50 million series B funding. This is another milestone in the journey of a phenomenal company in the making, a journey that we are thankful to have been part of from Day 1.

Postman is the only complete platform for API development and management, that enables collaboration, code reuse, and connectivity at scale. APIs allow all developers, sophisticated or beginners or even non-programmers, to write software applications. As the world of software development moves from a code-first approach to an API-first approach, Postman is evolving as a must-have tool for developers.

We met Postman founder Abhinav Asthana in 2014, when he was a single man army in Bangalore. He wrote the first version of postman product to address the pain-points he was himself facing as a developer. It turns out that many other developers were also experiencing similar pain points, and as soon as Abhinav launched the product, word of mouth spread and thousands of developers globally started using the product — an elegantly simple product “by the developer for the developer”, that just works. We instantly resonated with Abhinav’s vision. Nexus seed-funded Abhinav and his cofounders Ankit and Abhijit and the journey began even before Postman the company was formally incorporated. We rolled our seed investment over to Series A in 2016.

The postman platform has continued to grow from strength to strength and is being used by more than 7 million users, and over 300,000 organizations globally. Postman aims to expand the number of software developers from about 30 million today to over 100 million over the coming years. We are just getting started!

Sameer Verma and Jishnu Bhattacharjee, Nexus Venture Partners

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Nexus Venture Partners
Conversation with Nexus

VC firm partnering with extraordinary entrepreneurs building product-first companies in India and the US.