Day 17: 4 Reasons Why I Think Everyone Should Read the Book “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport

Reclaim Your Focus: Unveiling the Power of ‘Digital Minimalism

Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes


Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

“Imagine a life where every ‘Like’ doesn’t dictate your choices.”

This thought-provoking premise underlies Cal Newport’s book “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World.”

Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown University and the author of the renowned ‘Deep Work,’ explores the impact of the digital age on our lives and offers a transformative approach to technology use. He offers a philosophy that’s not just about using technology less but using it better.

Reason #1: Understanding Our Digital Dilemma

Newport exposes the transformation of digital tools from conveniences into addictive mechanisms. He delves into how devices initially designed for simple communication have evolved to capture our constant attention, reshaping our behavior and priorities.

Reason #2: Digital Minimalism Philosophy

Newport advocates for digital minimalism — a philosophy advocating intentional technology use. It’s not an outright rejection but a mindful approach to…



Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dad & Husband, 🩹Humanitarian Professional, 📚 Lifelong Learner. I share my learnings on personal growth and productivity.