No Cost, High Impact: How to Begin Your Newsletter Journey Without Spending a Dime

Unlock the secret world of newsletters

Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Unlock the secret world of newsletters — a hidden gem in the digital realm! 🗝️ As I shared yesterday, owning your newsletter is not just crucial, it’s transformative!

However, there are a lot of things most people don’t know about newsletters!

For example, did you know…

  • You don’t need a blog or website.
  • Newsletters can outperform social media in audience engagement.
  • They allow for direct monetization through subscriptions.

For anyone in the industry, this stuff is common knowledge.

But to those who haven’t lived “a day in the life” in writing or newsletters, some of these might come as a shock.

For example, here’s the weirdest thing most people don’t know about newsletters:

You don’t need any investment to start your newsletter; you can start for free!

This is possible because many platforms are designed to support creators at the beginning of their journey, offering basic services without charge. You only need to pay additional fees if…



Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dad & Husband, 🩹Humanitarian Professional, 📚 Lifelong Learner. I share my learnings on personal growth and productivity.