The Single Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned Writing and Content Creation

Navigating the Ever-Changing Digital Landscape: Why You Need Your Newsletter and Email List

Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

In the world of writing and content creation, not all lessons are created equal. Some are small, serving as gentle reminders of what truly matters, while others are monumental, capable of reshaping the course of our entire lives. Over my five-year journey in online writing, I’ve encountered countless lessons, but one stands out above all: the paramount importance of having your newsletter and cultivating an email list.

The Landscape of Change

Online platforms are dynamic entities, subject to constant evolution. They have the power to alter their algorithms, restrict content reach, and redefine the rules of engagement. To illustrate this point, let me take you back to my own experience on, a platform that initially held immense promise. In fact, I earned over $500 in my very first month through the Medium Partner Program. It was an exciting start, and I reveled in the platform’s potential.

However, as time went by, I watched Medium transform before my eyes. Changes occurred that profoundly affected content creators…



Selim Uysal
Selim’s Notes

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dad & Husband, 🩹Humanitarian Professional, 📚 Lifelong Learner. I share my learnings on personal growth and productivity.