The NEXUS Referral Program

NEXUS Resources
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2018

NEXUS was developed in order to finally provide the world of CrossFit with a way to track performance but also to break down the walls between our respective boxes to bring all members together in one focal point of fitness. The algorithms that allow the PUSH Band to track your movements get better with every rep meaning that the larger the NEXUS network grows, the more accurate it will become. Not only this, but we are looking forward to unlocking the ability to follow other athletes, compete with one another, share workouts, and much more which will be that much better as your personal network joins.

A select group of the first people around the world who ordered NEXUS have been invited to take part in the NEXUS referral program. This is our way of inviting you to join the NEXUS team and help us grow the community! Here are the rules:

  1. You were provided with your own unique discount code. Share this code with whoever and however you want.
  2. Every time someone uses your code at checkout on, they will get 15% off their order.
  3. Every time your code is used, we will provide you with $30 (USD) in credit toward the NEXUS online store.
  4. Once you reach over $200 in credit, we will start paying you in cash for every dollar above that $200 limit. [the first $200 will only be useable on the website]
  5. There is no limit to how many times your code can be used. (yes, that means there is no limit to how much $$$ you can pull in)

As an early backer, we consider you part of the team and we hope that you take full advantage of this special offer. Should you have any questions, as always do not hesitate to reach out to us at



NEXUS Resources

NEXUS breaks down every movement to give you detailed insights into how you can improve your training.