Neyasis Technology
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2023

People are social beings. People have communicated with each other in many ways to survive effectively. Because people have to communicate to express their feelings and thoughts and to understand others. Being able to communicate correctly is very important for us to exist in society. We are present in many social areas such as work, school, communities. Many people sometimes think that their friends around them or their friends and managers in business life constantly misunderstand them and that they cannot express themselves correctly. This situation may damage mutual relations. We need to use verbal communication effectively in many social areas, especially in our business life. For effective communication, we must first learn to listen. We should first pay attention to what the other person wants to say and then use our gestures and facial expressions to show that we understand him/her. Because every person wants to be understood. When people feel understood, they will be open to understanding the other person. One of the most important things that harms mutual communication is the person’s ego level. We must evaluate not only what ‘I’ think and feel, but also what ‘she/he’ thinks and feels. We follow a healthy path through mutual listening and understanding.

Time is very important for productivity and efficiency. We cannot keep time, but it is up to us to use it. Using time well is really necessary both in our business and social lives. Many people have problems with time management. Maybe she/he cannot complete the things she/he needs to do in her/his business life and has problems with her/his manager and friends, or maybe she/he has problems with her/his friends in her/his social life because she/he is late. What should be done to use time well? In order to manage time well, we must first be aware of our competencies and priorities. What is the job we will do and do we have any preliminary preparations for it? It is important to have knowledge about how a business plan is made and to have the necessary skills. Also, motivation is an important factor before starting a job. Things may accumulate in our business life or social life. First of all, we need to sort the work and analyze the time. Afterwards, we must take concrete steps to realize the work. We must give our attention and focus to the work we are going to do. Procrastination before doing something is one of the biggest things that causes us to misuse time. Therefore, setting goals, ensuring self-motivation and moving forward in a planned manner will help us with time management.

