NF2 “Hackathon” Live Stream

Onno Faber
NF2 Project
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2017

Starting tomorrow the 23rd of June at 6pm PST (San Francisco)

The NF2 Hackathon is coming up this weekend , starting Friday night at 6pm PST in San Francisco (see this post to learn more about the event).

We have seen overwhelming interest (over 200 people signed up) and have an amazing group of people coming to the event. Patients, data scientists, long time NF-researchers, friends and supporters from all kinds of domains.

To open up my genome data this weekend to 200 ‘bio-hackers’ feels a little weird and at the same time quite normal. It feels weird, because it’s so personal and we’re not quite used to it yet. It feels normal, because this is probably what we need to do to move the ball forward. Ultimately, finding better answers for diseases just requires people’s motivation, efforts and collaboration. This weekend we kick off a new form of collaboration between patients, people in biomedical research and computational genomics.

Driven primarily by patients’ need, is building a new way of going after the problems caused by conditions like NF2. I think patients are the missing link between technology and medicine, and I’m committed to find out with the help of all of you where this leads us.

One of the main motivations behind the project is the support of the amazing community of patients and professionals. It’s good to remember that there are people with this condition all over the world, and we all share very similar challenges (for some it’s even harder than for others). How cool would it be if we can build this community and do research without borders?

For the entire community to be part of this event, we’ll be 360-live streaming the event on our Facebook page, starting tomorrow the 23rd of June at 6pm, Please tune in, ask questions and post comments. I look forward to seeing you there.

