UFC Strike Marketplace 101

Here For The Moments
Published in
6 min readFeb 18, 2022

The UFC Strike marketplace is finally open, but for many users this is their first NFT marketplace experience. The purpose of this guide is to help you understand the basics of the UFC Strike marketplace.

Starting From Square One

The marketplace landing page

Upon entering the UFC Strike marketplace, you are greeted with something that looks like the above image. A row of Moments, a search bar, and two different filters. Before we get into the filters and sorting of Moments, let’s discuss what makes up a Moment.

What’s in a Moment?

Robbie Lawler

I have selected a random Moment from the marketplace and for those unfamiliar, this is Robbie Lawler. Each Moment listing page looks like this, and to the left of the image you will see miniature versions of the Moment. These are six images/videos that allow you to see your Moment collectible in all its glory. The first is a video of the Moment, and the next five are all different angles of the Moment going a full 360 degrees around.

Robbie Lawler listings

Scrolling down the page, we are greeted with the details of the Moment and the current listings. The first component of the Moment is the name, ‘LAWLER’. This fighter’s name is Robbie Lawler. The second component is the event title ‘UFC 266’, this tells us what UFC event the Moment is from. The third component of a Moment is what the Moment actually is, this Moment is a ‘KO/TKO’. Put it all together and you have ‘LAWLER | UFC 266 | KO/TKO’. This Moment is of Robbie Lawler, from UFC 266, and a KO/TKO is what’s happening in the Moment.

Next, we have the current listings in which we have three different columns (Price, Edition #, From). Let’s look at the first listing, shall we? The price is $8.00, the edition # (sometimes also referred to as Serial #) is 12606 and it is being sold by 0xe96c25d284627e09 which is representative of the Dapper wallet address of the user who is selling this Moment. To the right of all of that is a ‘Buy’ button which allows us to purchase the Moment. Now that we understand what makes up a Moment and how to view the current listings, let’s talk about navigating the Marketplace.

The Filter System

Let’s navigate back to the Marketplace landing page, where we are greeted with something that should look like the below image. Now we are going to talk about the filter system.

Starting at the top of the page, working from left to right we have the search bar, a box that says ‘Newest Listings’ and a box that says ‘All Series’. We’re going to start off with the box that says ‘Newest Listings’ first.

Newest Listings

If you click the arrow next to where it says ‘Newest Listings’, you are greeted with the above. Let’s select ‘Lowest Ask’ and see what comes up.

Lowest Ask

After selecting ‘Lowest Ask’, this is what we are presented with. This tells us that the cheapest Moment on the entire UFC Strike platform is a Morono that can be purchased for $4.00. Underneath where it says ‘Lowest ask’ it says ‘Number available’, this tells us how many of this particular Moment are currently available for purchase on the marketplace. Putting it all together, the lowest ask for the Morono is $4.00 and there are 992 available for purchase. They are all not listed at $4.00, that is just what they’re starting at or what is commonly referred to as the ‘floor’.

Now let’s make another selection, this time Name: A-Z.

Name: A-Z

The page is refreshed, showing a different selection of Moments but now instead of ‘Lowest ask’ they are filtered alphabetically starting with A and ending with Z. Since we now understand the basics of the ‘Newest Listings’ box we can play around with the ‘All Series’ box.

All Series

All the Moments currently on the UFC Strike platform are Series 0 Moments, with the next release of Moments to carry the designation of Series 1. After a predetermined period of time, the UFC Strike team will make the decision to move from one Series to next, and mint a new selection of Moments. This filter will become more powerful in the future but for right now, this makes no difference as all Moments are Series 0. Two different filters, two very powerful tools. But what about the search bar?

Let’s attempt a search for Paddy Pimblett, if we ‘Pimblett’ into the search bar and let the page refresh we can see that the search bar has successfully responded to our query. If we attempt to filter the listings, nothing happens given that there is only one Paddy Pimblett Moment currently available.

Paddy Pimblett

The search bar can also help us search by event and Moment type, let’s try searching ‘UFC’ to see what happens.

Searching ‘UFC’

With a query of ‘UFC’, we have filtered out all fight night Moments from our search and are only seeing Moments that took place at numbered UFC events. The opposite is true if we search ‘Fight Night’, see the below image:

Searching ‘Fight Night’

With one last search, we will try filtering by Moment type (KO/TKO, Submission, Striking). Let’s type ‘Submission’ into the search bar and see what comes up.

Searching ‘Submission’

Clearly, this is not a perfect system. That Topuria Moment is not a ‘Submission’, but the other two are. What’s interesting though is that if you search ‘KO/TKO’, only those Moments show up. So we can chalk this one up as a quirk.

Have Fun!

The last tip we have for everyone is to have fun and collect what you love. We hope that this guide will help you navigate the marketplace if you are having trouble finding your way around, or are an experienced user but aren’t using all the tools of the market to your advantage.

UFC Strike Marketplace

